Truth or dare

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Hopper and El pulled up into the wheelers house. Joyce's pinto parked not too far down the street. The kids were hanging out in the basement, playing DnD. El practically begged Hopper to let her go. Hopper, being a fool for her puppy dog eyes, gave in.

He opened the door to his chief of police truck, El scrambling up the porch. He chuckled at her excitement. She really did love her friends. And as much as he hated to admit it, the Wheeler kid too. He knocked on the door and was met by Karen Wheeler, with a drink in her hand. "Hopper! Jane! Come on in." She let them in, continuing to talk. "Jane, the rest of the Party are in the basement." She turned back to Hopper, a suspicious smile on her face. "Stay Hopper, Joyce is in the living room." Before Hopper could protest, she was pushing him towards the living room.

He looked up to find Joyce sitting on the couch, looking just as uncomfortable as he was. "Hey, Joyce." He took of his hat and sat down on the couch beside her. "Hey, Hop. How are you?" Ted and Karen walked in, her pushing Ted in, with another full glass of wine and many others on a tray. "Here you go." She said sliding the tray toward the two on the couch. Joyce was the first to protest, "Oh no thank you Karen, I have to drive home." Karen looked completely unaffected by Joyce's words. 

"Oh come on Joyce! Just one drink." They both knew she wasn't going to quit. They both picked up a glass and took a sip. Hopper had to admit, it was good. Karen, already mildly drunk plopped down on the chair opposite them while Ted sat in his favourite chair. "How about a game?!" Karen asked excitedly, "How about truth or dare?!" She added before taking another gulp of wine. "Don't you think that's a little childish, honey?" Ted asked from his comfortable position. "Not at all, Ted. Live a little." She said turning back to Joyce and Hopper, who had now downed half their glass each.

Joyce knew Karen was going to give out, so she played along. "Sure, Karen! Why not." Joyce looked up at Hopper who was as always so much taller than her. "I don't mind." Hopper said leaving his back on the couch. "Ok perfect!" Karen squealed while taking another sip of her glass. "I'll start!"

"Joyce, truth or dare?" She asked smile growing wider by the second. Joyce knew Karen's tricks so she picked, "Truth." Karen contemplated her question. "Do you...currently have a crush?" She asked. Hopper was taken aback by her question and the boldness of it. "Don't you think that's a bit personal, Karen?" Hopper asked setting his glass down. "Not at all. We're all friends." Joyce turned to look Hopper in the eye. "'s fine. Um...I do actually." Karen grew immensely excited, like a teenage girl. "Ooooohhh! Do tell!" Joyce chuckled and said, "That's not part of the question and I'll be avoiding truth from you again." She laughed. "My turn. Hop, truth or dare?" Joyce asked. "I'll go with dare." He answered with a smirk. "Ok... I dare you to...down two glasses of wine!" She challenged. "Only two?" He replied with a laugh, picking up two glasses and downing them easily. "Nice try, Joyce, gonna take a lot more to make it a real challenge."

The game continued, each truth getting juicier and each dare getting more daring and embarrassing, until it was Karen's turn to ask Hop. "Hop, truth or dare?" "Dare please." He went to take another drink when Karen said, "Kiss Joyce." 

Hopper almost choked on his drink. Joyce blushed deeply and looked away from him. "W-what?" He stuttered. "You heard me. Go on! Kiss her!" She ordered ushering them towards each other. They were both nervous and unsure, but hid it well. Hopper whispered to her "Joyce are you sure you're ok with this?" She just nodded briefly. "Rules are rules, Hop."

He leaned in and they kissed gently. Her lips were soft on his. He wanted more. He wanted her. She kissed him back. The kiss was chaste and innocent at first, but soon it grew heated. Hopper moved his large hand to cup her cheek gently, while her hand found its way into his chest. They both forgot where they were and that there was people around them.

They broke apart at the sounds of footsteps coming from the basement. Hopper still had his hand on her face, unable to break his gaze away from her. From his Joyce.

Joyce caught Karen's shocked but happy expression out of the corner of her eye and blushed a deep beet red. Hopper moved his hand back down to his side just when El and Will came bounding into the room. "We're ready to go!" Will said, putting his backpack on his back. "Yeah, ok, we're coming now." Joyce and Hopper both stood and moved to get their coats and hats. The kids ran out to the opposite cars after saying goodbye, leaving Hopper and Joyce beside one another.

Before Joyce could walk away, Hopper wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her into a deep kiss. She returned it happily and placed her hands on his cheeks. When they finally pulled apart. They both caught the shocked faces of their two kids. "Guess the kids know." He said smiling like an idiot. "Yes. Goodbye Hopper, I'll see you tomorrow." She walked to her car and drove off. 

Hopper got into the driver seat. El had the biggest smile on her face. "Don't even say it." Hopper said, turning the keys in the ignition. El just smiled and looked out the window. Hopper couldn't help it. The biggest, goofy smile spread across his face as they drove off down the street.

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