Chapter 1

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Izuku snapped awake, clutching the blankets. He could feel the sweat slipping off his cheeks and he wiped his forehead, trying to calm his racing heart. He flipped up the covers and slid out of bed.

He climbed down the ladder that connected the "second floor" (which was really just a small shelf with Izuku's bed on it) to the first floor of the warehouse. He jumped the last two rungs and headed over to his desk, yawning.

He picked up one of his notebooks and flipped through the pages, trying to find an empty one to write out his dreams. When he managed to find one, he sat down and started writing.

Something soft brushed against his arm and he lifted it. He stared into the bright yellow eyes of his cat, Inko. She meowed at him, pushing under his arm so she could crawl onto his shoulders. She curled her tail around his neck to help keep her balance and watched him work, her black and white fur making it hard to spot her.

He smiled and closed the notebook, done with writing his dream. "Dreams, huh?" he asked Inko, knowing she wouldn't say anything to him. She jumped off his shoulders and padded over to the makeshift kitchen, sitting down and looking at him.

Izuku shook his head and walked over to her. He opened the small cabinet he'd installed and pulled out a can of cat food. He opened it using his quirk and poured the food into the bowl on the counter. He'd barely finished when Inko jumped up and started eating. Izuku smiled softly at her, remembering the poor kitten he'd accidentally killed when he was younger.

Inko butted his hand and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked down at her, and she stared at him, her tail flicking behind her. He reached out and rubbed her head as she purred.

He lowered his hand and marched over to his wheeling whiteboard, which was currently covered with a white cloth. He took hold of the cloth and yanked it off, staring at the project underneath.

Tons of pictures and lines of red string connected heroes with crimes, victims, and punishments they had received. Izuku ran his hand along one of the strings, pausing on the picture of a certain hero. He hesitated, removing his hand before he accidentally burned it more.

He shoved his hand in his pocket as he looked at the whiteboard again, picking out his next target. He smirked. "Inko, it's time to hunt."

"IZUUUKKKUUUUU!!" The door in the corner burst open and a second later, someone tackled Izuku to the ground. Izuku yelped, lighting his hand on fire for a split second before realizing who it was.

"Denki! How many times have I told you not to come bursting in like that?! I could've set you on fire!"

"But you didn't!"

"Cause I realized it was you! You know my first reaction is to attack anything that attacks me!" Izuku pushed his friend away, glaring at him. The dumb blonde smiled at him, the black streak in his hair barely visible. He must've just woken up.

"Yeah but you managed to catch yourself in time! You're getting better!"

"Still, be careful." Izuku said as he covered the board again. He already knew what the hero looked like anyway. Denki watched him. "Where's Itchiku?" he asked over his shoulder.

Denki shrugged. "Sleeping. We're going bowling later, wanna join?" Izuku shook his head. "What, why?!"

"I have to work. Also I can't be seen with a hero. It would kind of ruin the reputation of villainy I've made for myself." Izuku looked at Denki over his shoulder and winked.

Denki sighed. "Dude, I'm not a hero. I'm not even a high schooler yet!"

"High school exams are coming up. You're shooting for UA, the school for heroes. You're practically a hero already Denki."

Denki shook his head, standing up. "Whatever. Just know that I don't judge you. My door's always open." He turned and headed out the door, waving over his shoulder at Izuku. He paused at the door and looked back at him. He turned and headed out the door.

Izuku didn't look up once.


So, this follows the story of the actual show, I actually have a real outline for the comic version, if you guys want me to post that in a story. I love OVD, he's a great character.

Thanks for reading! *Chibi OVD bowing*

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