Chapter 4 :Surprises, Surprises

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         On the way back home, everyone was full including the dog. Marco pulled into the driveway and parked the car.

          " I enjoyed you guys so much. We should do it again sometime. Oh and looks like y'all have a letter on y'all porch."

           " How did that get there when it's a big gate in front of our house?" 

     " These gates are rusty Tiana and they don't have a lock on them . That's one of the many things we have to work on." said Anthony.

     "Well I hate to end the party but I have to go and get to work now. Remember if you need anything , I'm right across the way."

   Anthony replied," You know we will and thanks for everything." 

      Anthony, Tiana, and the great dane headed to the porch and Anthony and Tiana waved at Marco as he drove out of the driveway. 

      Anthony picked up the letter off of the porch and they went inside the house. Once in, Anthony locked the door and him and Tiana went and sat on the couch. 

      " This has been a great day babe. I couldn't have asked for a better outing. What's in the letter? " asked Tiana. " I don't know. Let's see!" , said Anthony.

Anthony opened the letter and read it out loud. 

     The letter said: Welcome to Misty Creek Estates!!!! It is so great to have new neighbors in the neighborhood. Don't get too comfortable because those aren't just rumors, and y'all could be next. Be careful because you never know who could be watching you day or night! You think i'm going to let y'all come and live a good life? Well you're wrong! I've warned you one time too many and now you will have to pay! Happy living........OR NOT!!!!!!!!

        As Anthony finished reading the letter , Tiana looked in the envelope and inside was a gold tulip with a blue thorn.

 " Oh my goodness! This doesn't sound good at all baby. What are we going to do ?" 

       " I guess we are going to have to go walk over there and talk to Marco. He said come see him if we need anything and this is anything." 

     Tiana replied," I don't think that's a good idea considering someone doesn't want us here. How about trying to call him first and see if he answers.''

 "Alright, let me give him a call.'' 

     Anthony calls Marco and tells him about the letter. Marco tells Anthony he will be right over and make sure he keeps the door locked. 

      While waiting for Marco, Anthony and Tiana set the table up with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

    Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Bang! Bang! 

 " Do you think it's Marco? " asked Tiana. 

"I hope so or we're in big trouble. Where's the gun ?"

       Tiana hands Anthony the gun and he walks to the door and looks out of the peephole. He didn't see anyone there ,so he waited for a minute to see if whoever it was would knock again. 

They didn't and Anthony went back and sat on the couch.

 " Was anyone there babe?"

 " No , not at all." said Anthony.

     They heard a car pull up outside and then Marco began to call. He told Anthony to open the door because he was outside. 

 Anthony went to the door and opened it for Marco. 

Once Marco was in, Anthony locked the door back and led Marco into the living room. 

" Before you read the letter, was it you who knocked on the door earlier?" asked Tiana.

     "No that wasn't me. I thought it would be safer if I drove over here instead of walking. Looks like someone isn't too happy that y'all are here."

      " Who could it be ? We've only met you and auntie. Who could possibly want to get rid of us?'' Anthony asked.

    Marco replied," I don't know, but let me see the letter." 

      Marco goes over the letter at least three times. He is appalled that anyone would write something so disturbing. 

  While he's thinking about the letter, Tiana hands him the gold tulip with the blue thorn. 

      " I haven't seen one of these since I went to Annie's shop 6 months ago. As a matter of fact, I think she still has the shop. We should go and pay her a visit tomorrow. It's only two miles out of town. She may have some information that could help us tremendously!"

   " Sounds good to me. Would you like to spend the night? We have plenty of room and I have some extra clothes you could wear." said Anthony.

" I would love to! We can watch a couple of movies and talk about our plan for tomorrow." 

After everyone got settled down, they started to talk about their plan for tomorrow. 

      " Speaking of tomorrow , Annie is very unique and I can't wait for y'all to meet her. She is the most beautiful woman I've laid my eyes on."  Marco said.

     " It seems like you have a crush on Annie. Is there a backstory I need to know about?" Tiana asks as Marco's face lights up and his grin is as big as it can be. 

        "Well , we grew up together. We were childhood best friends and inseparable. We did everything together from going to school dances to going on vacations. Eventually our parents became best friends as well. Then soon we grew up and our lives led us on different paths. She was going to take over her mom's flower shop and be a florist and I went off to explore different places. When I came back, she was already well developed in her career and I was still nothing. I went to her shop and we talked for a long time about how things used to be and how much we missed each other. It was like something out of a fairy tale."

   " Sorry to interrupt ,said Tiana, but how is it that you haven't been to her shop in 6 months?" 

          " She had gone on a vacation with her mom and they are just recently getting back. I wanted to give her some time to get back settled in and then I was going to go see her. Tomorrow is a perfect time since we have to figure out the note. I have been texting and face timing her but it's nothing like seeing her in person. Since y'all are my only best friends, I'm going to tell y'all my plan for tomorrow. I've been waiting for a while to do this, but I feel like tomorrow will be the perfect time. I'm going to propose to Annie and confess my love for her . I'm hoping and praying that she'll say yes and be my forever and always. I can't wait to get this heavy load off of my chest. What do y'all think?"

           Tiana replied, " I think that is a brilliant idea. I can't wait to see her reaction! I am so happy for you Marco. You are such a sweet and caring guy and you deserve lots of happiness and then some. From the way you speak about her, I can tell that she will accept your proposal and y'all will be a great couple! I feel so obliged to be a part of something so magical." 

      " Me too. I'm so happy for you. He who finds him a wife, finds himself a great thing! I know that from experience." says Anthony as he kisses Tiana on the forehead.

   " Thanks y'all. I love that y'all are supporting me and helping me on this big milestone. Tomorrow will be a day to remember! Well, let's go to bed and get ready for our long journey tomorrow! We have huge fish to fry haha!"

 Everyone heads to bed and falls asleep with much anticipation on what was to come for the next day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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