Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Long Chapter Sorry!?!?!) Alphas up above!!!!! ^^^^^

Lune arrived at the office building for the Gray Stone Pack at 9:40 am. He has quite enjoyed his drive through the small town of pack members, nestled next to a beautiful lake and a few small mountains. They had their own stores and restaurants. Little motels and parks, even the schools were cute. The town was only about ten blocks in each direction from the town square and he thought it looked like one of the towns in the humans 'Christmas' movies. The town was made up of pack members only but seemed to have a small tourist feel, all year. He could see why, who wouldn't want to stay a week, in a town that had amazing hiking, and adorable dining, and he could tell, that every season was a dream of colors and natural song.

As Lune parked his car in the little lot and walked up to what seemed to be the tallest building, with eight stories, he pulled out Beta Marcus' letter.

"Okay floor eight, second hall on the right, Alpha and Beta office sign. Receptionist, Laura Knight. Got it." He spoke quietly to himself. In the entrance, there was another reception desk, he asked for the elevators, and the gentleman pointed him in the right direction. Lune reached the Alpha and Beta offices, and Laura was already waiting with ice water. This woman is wonderful, I must get to know her. Laura walked him into the office of Marcus Drill.

Marcus was a tall and handsome man with light brown hair and green eyes. He looked up when the door had opened and stood when he saw his visitor. "Thank you, Ms. Knight. When the Alphas arrive please let them know our guest is here." Ms. Knight nodded and excused herself, closing the door behind her.

"Mr. Soleil, how wonderful to met you."

"Oh please, call me Lune, it's a pleasure."

"So as I told you in our letters, you have the job. We really aren't even doing an interview. The alphas may have a few questions, but you and I can just speak freely until they arrive."

"I'm perfectly happy with that!"

"So have you made it to your hotel yet?"

"Oh no, I called this morning, and apparently, they didn't have my reservation down. Also, this week is the festival?"

"Yes, we end up being extremely full. I'm sorry, about that, however. When the Alpha's arrive we will arrange new quarters for you until your cabin is complete."

"Thank you, I- " Just as Lune was responding, the door opens again but it isn't Ms.Knight. It is too of the most gorgeous men, Lune had ever seen. At least 6'2, jet black hair, and gold eyes. Strong jaws, and built like brick houses. These have to be the Alphas. Both Marcus and Lune stand, "Alphas" Marcus greets but they don't look at him or even answer. They have their eyes locked on Lune. That's when he feels it, the pull, like a magnet, drawing him to these two greek gods. They must be his mates.

Taking a step towards them, he reached up with both hands and placed them on the sides of their faces. Subcountiusly realizing they are more like 6'4. "Hello." Both men shivered and closed their eyes.

"As much as I hate to interrupt what is clearly a mate bond, we need to proceed."

"Well, Mr.Drill it seems the mix-up with my hotel was for the best."

"I must agree, Mr. Soleil."


"We are late!"

"I know!"

"Then hurry up!"

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