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Luke - Since he is really tall, you're really short to him. He loves dating someone shorter than him because when he hugs you, he wraps his whole body around you.

Calum - You have your back facing Calum with his left hand wrapped tightly around your waist. His face in your hair.

Ashton - You and Ashton face each other. Since he's the drummer, he's always tapping a rhythm with his fingertips. So he would have his hand on your waist, lightly tapping on your waist.

Michael - Michael's cuddles are sweet. You are laying down with no spaces between you guys, inhaling each other's scents.

Harry - Harry and your cuddles were very sweet and romantic. There would be no space in between you two. You would lay in each other's arms and fall asleep.

Niall - Your feet would be tangled and you would be holding each other very very close.

Liam - Liam and your cuddles were really romantic. You both would whisper cute, romantic things into each other's ears.

Louis - Whenever you or Louis had a bad day, you guys would cuddle and he would make you laugh.

Zayn - Whenever you and Zayn would cuddle, the room would be quiet and you two would just enjoy each other's company.

Sorry this sucked you guys! I know I haven't been updating a lot lately, but I will try and update whenever I am not busy. Love you guys! Keep reading and stay strong!

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