You Go Grocery Shopping Together

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Luke - Luke would be bored... until you passed by the toy section. You would let him stay there and look at all of the teenage mutanta ninja turtle stuff there.

Calum - Calum would just walk with you and grab stuff that you couldn't reach.

Ashton - Would just walk with you and talk to you throughout the whole shopping trip.

Michael - Would make you grab everysingle frozen pizza in sight.

Harry - Would look at things trying to come up with inspiration for another one of his jokes.

Niall - Would grab one of every snack.

Liam - Would talk to you and would start singing one direction songs to you in every aisle.

Louis - You would start dancing like idiots when a song that you liked came on when you were listening to music on your phone. When he saw what you were doing, he would join you.

Zayn - Zayn would like to look at the baby section because he loved looking at how small their clothes are and how small their shoes are.

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