Cafe Questionaire

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After Jungkook expressed himself you couldn't help but let out a slight giggle. He looked at you with genuine surprised and yet concerning eyes. "What?" He asked you. "Oh nothing, it just got dramatic for a second..." You said lowkey feeling bad but in a playful way. "Wow, you are poking fun at me." He said with a very slight smirk on his face. "Anyways, I'm sorry but I do care. Whos the girl and what happened between you two? I'm guessing an ex?" He took a bite of his ice cream and after finishing it quickly, took a breath. "Yes, we had dated at one point, and at first things were great. She was meeting my family, we hit it off well and she became close to me and everyone I knew. She ended up cheating with one of my best friends who I had been friends with since I had moved there. I used to go to West High for a couple of years and then moved here since there was more family around here." As he was telling his story you observed the situation he was speaking of carefully as well as taking a good look at his face. Once you processed everything you felt pretty bad for him as you couldn't even imagine being cheated on. Especially when it's involving a deep friendship, that's gotta hurt, you thought to yourself. "Wow Jungkook, that's messed up." This was all you could say since you couldn't relate much to relationship stuff. "Yeah, it was, which is another reason I was all for moving here. Things were going south at my old place and since we move around a lot, it's hard to find friends that I can bond with. Once I had finally found a great friend, it hurt to see them with someone I had found a nice connection with on a romantic level." He was looking pretty hurt as it didn't seem like he had healed from the situation much. "You know Jungkook, although you have been through a shitty situation that's easy to hate and regret, you shouldn't regret it. I believe everything happens for a reason and a lesson is to be learned through everything. Good or bad. Plus, not letting bad situations getting the best of you can come with character development which is a great thing. Although she is now here around you, you have me and other friends now that can distract you." After spilling your take on the situation you all of a sudden noticed Jungkook's eyes. His eyes. They were saying so much. You could tell the gratefulness he had for what you had just said, it was written all over his face. "You know that's beautiful that you just said that haha, thank you y/n."

You both walked home and said your goodbyes. As you were getting ready for a shower your phone began to ring as it was Jungkook calling you. Your heart started to immediately beat extremely fast as you got excited at the thought of talking with Jungkook again. Could we possibly be finishing what we started? No, don't get too ahead of yourself y/n. You picked up your phone with a fresh state of mind, "Hello?" "Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go for breakfast in the morning before school tomorrow?" Your cheeks started to get super warm and red as you were comprehending what he just said. He really doesn't mind being with me, wow I might just fall in love. "Yes! Of course, I'd love that!" You exclaimed with all your heart. You heard him chuckle over the phone. "Okay sweet, let's meet at the stop sign at 7:45 am. You started calculating in your mind how the time management would work with school starting at 8:45 am. Sweet, that gives a perfect hour with Jungkook. "Alright, see you then!" You hung up the phone and got into the shower listening to your playlist. Your heart felt like it was to explode as you went to bed making up scenarios of you two. 

As you got ready and even put on perfect eyeliner, you walked out of your house looking down the street to see Jungkook already there. You examined his figure as well as his body language. He looked like such boyfriend material you couldn't help but have a huge smile on your face. He looked towards your direction and you both had made eye contact. He immediately put a huge smile on his face and walked towards you. He put his phone away and hugged you which startled you a bit. You hugged back and you both started your way to the nearest cafe. 

Once you guys had walked in you were getting excited to have an egg tart special and some tea. You loved coming here all the time freshman year before school working on homework that needed to be finished that morning. Procrastination was like your middle name, to be honest, but you always got it done. It was like a talent of yours. You guys approached the cashier ready to tell your orders. You both looked at each other for who to go first, Jungkook then gestured for you to go with a comforting smile on his face. You told the lady what you wanted and had told her that it was all for here. After Jungkook got a pecan pie with some water, you both walked to go find a table to sit in. "Let's sit here, it's super comfortable." You exclaimed pointing at the booth by a window to the right of the cafe. You sat across from each other getting situated as your heart was nearly ready to bounce out of your chest. You couldn't take the amount of serotonin this was giving you as you had never hung out with a boy like this before. 

Jungkook's pov:

As we got our orders and went to sit down I took a good look at her. She has such a pretty figure and seemed like such girlfriend material. Fuck, am I gonna fall in love? Is it worth it?  We sat down and I had so many questions for her. I hope she won't be bothered by them. Gosh, I'm overthinking I need to chill. 

Your pov:

"You know Jungkook I have a lot of questions for you. Like, why do you travel so much? What does your family do and what are they like? What were the best memories and worst memories you had with your girlfriend as well as how long did you guys date? Haha, sorry-" You stopped in your tracks as you noticed how hard Jungkook was staring at you. You started to get nervous and fear you were talking too much. To be honest, you just wanted him to talk. "No, it's okay. I had many questions for you also." He assured with a smile on his face. As you guys were talking you had realized how well you both had gotten along. Wow, he might be the one. There was still one question you had that was bothering you. Your curiosity took over. "I have one more question for you and sorry if this seems personal-" "Go for it." He said. "How far did you and your ex go...physicially wise?" He gave you a weird look. 

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