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"Meyrin.. your so pretty!" Finny smiled. "I'm sorry I.. worried everyone... "

Mey-rin looked at Finny not believing he was really there. "I'm sorry little one I..." Mey threw her arm's around him and hugged him so tight. " oh Finny I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you so much!!!" Mey-rin Smiled. "I hope the Reapers are treating you well... Sebastian says you told him about my cottage... how did you know? I never told anyone about that place?" Mey-rin look over at Sebastian. Now they were one in every sence. It was almost noon. Her stomach felt queasy. "Sorry Finny haven't had my tea since this morning still having a bit of stomach trouble." Mey-rin sat down on a garden bench near Finny.

"I can see your records... I can see it all Mey-rin!" He smiled. "I hope you like it. I cleaned it out..." Finnan smiled more. "It's my gift to you!"

Ciel blushed. "My queen!" He looked away and pushed Grells hands off softly, as he was embarrassed of Grell untying his bow afraid he might try to undress him to. "Please my love... contain yourself" He chuckled a bit.

"Cici.... " Grell kissed him again and slapped his behind hard. He smiled as the banquet was opened in the dinning hall. "We have food inside!" Grell announced and smiled. "Come now... Lets eat..."

Ciel blushed more and took Grells hand, pulling him down to his size and kissing his cheek. He held Grell's hand tightly and following him.

Tanaka came over with some tea for Mey-rin and handed it to her.

She hadn't been to her house since before she had ever met Sebastian. "Thank you Finny I'm sure I'll love it!" She hugged him. Mey-rin looked up and saw Tanaka with her tea... "How did you?" She shook it of a drank it and her stomach calmed. Mey-rin stood up. "I feel better. Did I hear someone say food?" Mey-rin was very hungry.

Everyone stepped inside. The records played the music as the manor feasted on food Sebastian had made. Ciel was drawn to a certain object. Sebastian watched his master almost stare at the machinery infront of him.

"Isn't it wonderful cici?... The choccolate is heated by the coals burning inside.. The small motor bringing the chocolate up... and it looks like a fountain doesn't it?" Grell dipped his finger in the chocolate that fell into a bowl below. "Delicious... isn't it?" Grell slipped his chocolate coated finger into ciels mouth. Grell smiled as he pulled his finger out with a pop noise and left to serve the married couple sitting infront of their cake.

"I shall serve both of you today.. Mey-rin, what are you hungry for?" Grell asked.

Mey-rin looked at Grell with a slightly wicked look and turned her head to Sebastian and giggled. She then wasn't sure what she wanted. Something salty but sweet at the same time. "Surprise me. Even though I do have a strange request." She whispered something in Grells ear. It was to weird to say out loud... Why would she want that? Mey-rin held Sebastian's hand tight. Looking in his eye's she leaned over and kissed him. "I love you Sebastian Michaelis."

Grell smiled and went off to serve the couple. Sebastian leaned in and whispered into Mey-rin's ear. "My sweet... " He nibbled her ear. "I love you..." He growled a bit. It was too long since they... Grell placed a plate of... food?

There was fried fish and a yellow sauce? Custard? Followed by pickles and bananas? Grell smiled. "Bon apiete!.." Grell walked over to his Ciel who was still dipping sweets in the melted chocolate. "Cici.. would you like it if I bathed in the melted chocolate? It would be a tasty dessert..." Grell took the dipped dessert and ate it.

Ciel had a small mind theater imagining Grell pouring melted chocolate all over his body, he moaned at the thought, "Oh my queen I'd lick all off." He leaned onto Grell and went to kiss him when someone pulled him away and Ciel fell face first to the floor.

His Beauty Her Beast (A Maids Cinderella Story  Continues)Where stories live. Discover now