☆♡☆She is A Vicious One ☆♡☆

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The carriage came to a dead stop. Sebastian opened the door and saw Ciel upset. "Master... What happened?" He put his own personal issues aside... He focused now on his master. Knowing Agares was safe with Finny and Gretel...

Ciel stumbled out of the carriage becoming weak. All the stress was getting to him, his asthma was about to act up. He was breathing unsteady as he looked up at Sebastian. "I... need to... find... him!... Grell! My... queen!" He began panting and holding his chest, soon his hand came up to his mouth as he began to cough wildly. He grasped for air. "Se-sebastian... my... queen!" He yelled breathlessly. Gr-grell.. I... I need to... find... him.." He closed his eyes still grasping for air. He couldn't say another word.

"Master!" Sebastian carried Ciel into the manor and up the stairs. He quickly warmed a bath and added the smelling herbs to ease and loose up his chest. He placed him in the warm bath and allowed the vapors to ease his breathing... "Master.. Please breathe in the herbs... It is going to be alright.... We will find master Grell...."

"You need to be well... " Sebastian rubbed ointment on Ciel's chest.. Relaxing him. "I'll look on my own... It will be faster master. Please stay here until you are better..." Sebastian lifted Ciel from the bath and changed him into his night clothes. No.. Ciel will not take his orders. He's still his master! And he needed Grell... Now.

Ciel stood up and almost fell over, he was a bit dizzy but more stubborn and ambitious. "I refuse to stay behind! I ORDER YOU TO TAKE ME WITH YOU AND HELP FIND SAVE GRELL."

Sebastian nodded. "Yes. My lord." He changed Ciel into outer wear and opened a window. "It is faster for me to look while in the air... Hold on tight and tell me what had happen." Sebastian grabbed Ciel and took to the air fast.

Ciel held on tightly and explained to him all that happened. His breathing was still a bit wheezy, but Ciel was staying strong. He didn't want to wait, he needed to find Grell now.

Sebastian nodded and scanned the whole city. "Master... You said there were more bodies.... I have to see them..." Sebastian set Ciel down in front of the undertakers shop... "I won't be long..." Sebastian entered to investigate. Ciel waited outside when he heard the guards yelling down the street. They were chasing someone...

"Aaron.. Stop right there!" The police yelled. Aaron.. The man that knew about the case. He... He has to talk to him and figure out who's kidnapping.. Shots were fired. No... no! His only chance! Sebastian exited the shop. "Master.. Are you alright?"

"Save the man they're after now! He's the man we need to speak to about this!" Ciel ordered.

"Yes... My lord..." Sebastian bowed and rushed into the crowd. A thick fog surrounded the police as Sebastian rushed in and took Aaron out of the cross fire. Aaron was wounded but alive enough to speak... Sebastian returned back to the undertakers shop and Ciel locked the door behind him. Aaron was bleeding alot....

"Lord... Phantom...." Aaron coughed. "Thank...."He coughed again. He was dying...

"I need you to tell me anything you know about the murder and what ever happened..." Ciel asked impatiently. He looked at Sebastian ordering him to close up the mans wounds for a least the few minutes he needed so that he could get the information they needed.

"I know.... Now... What he was up to.... What are you? Death?" Aaron looked at Sebastian who smiled.

"Confusing me with a reaper.. Surely i don't smell this bad..." Sebastian grinned and looked at Ciel. "He doesnt have long... "

"He.. Uses. The women as... His wives... He wants... A child. . as before his own wife .. Died.... Red hair... He. Is tryin to replace her... He uses. B..12 pre..." Aaron held his chest. "His name. He's... "Aaron closed his eyes and died. No! Ciel was so close.. He had to find Grell and now... He has nothing to go on.

His Beauty Her Beast (A Maids Cinderella Story  Continues)Where stories live. Discover now