Katsuki Bakugo vs Fate

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Katsuki Bakugo did not believe in fate.
He did not believe in luck, or chance or any of that other crap they were always trying to sell you in movies.

I'm Katsuki's opinion, you worked for what you got and you earned it every step of the way.

Katsuki was top of his class, champion of the sports festival (though the thought of that particular event still left a bitter taste in h is mouth) and was on his way to becoming one of Japans most promising young heroes.
Katsuki had worked hard all on his own to get where he was today, no fate or luck to push him along. It was all crap to him.

So, Katsuki Bakugou did not believe in fate, but when Ochako Uraraka burst into the 1-A classroom with big news, he was forced to reconsider

"Oh my AllMight you guys, guess who I saw at the front of the building!!! Pro hero Tennmillion! I heard he's going to be an intern teacher at our school this semester ! Holy AllMight he is so much hotter in person!" Uraraka squealed.

"Wait seriously!? Up and coming superstar pro hero Tennmillion with more potential seen in any hero under 25 since the early days of AllMight himself!?!" Kirishima replied, flabbergasted " that's so cool, he's super manly..." the redhead trailed off, a faraway dreamy look in his eyes.

The class chatted excitedly for a few more minutes until Kaminari, ever the beautiful, exelent (probably ill advised) troublemaker, decided to poke the big, brooding bear in the room.

"Hey Bakugou, you seem awfully quiet. Aren't you excited to learn from the most promising new pro heroes of this generation?" Kami chirped amicably. Bakugou shot an icy glare at the yellow haired boy.

"Why would I be excited to be bossed around by that shitty nerd?" Katsuki snapped. The whole class gasped, and were all too taken aback by bakugou's casual insulting of an incredibly popular and respected pro to notice the faint tinge of pink that colored his cheeks.

"Bakugou, that was a very disrespectful statement considering that you do not even know Tennmillion, and besides, he will not be, as you so eloquently put it, 'bossing us around' he will be aiding to shape our minds into the makings of future heroes and..." Iida droned on. When the bell rang, everyone sat exitedly at their desks as Mr Aizawa addressed them. " Put on your PE uniforms and meet me outside in ten minutes." the disheveled man deadpanned.
Everyone cheered.
.     .     .

Katsuki Bakugou thought he was pretty great, but didn't expect that someone as popular as the pro hero Tennmillion to recognize him. As he and the rest of his classmates exited the building and made their way to the training grounds, he could help the thoughts that wrestled their way into his mind from the back of his subconscious where he always stored them. Green eyes and freckled skin, days spent watching as a beach was slowly cleared of garbage and debris, a strange and terrifying feeling that he hadn't understood at first. A gentle laugh and pats on his head. It had been three, almost four years. Would he remember?

Class 1-A stood in a line, nerves humming in anticipation.

"Alright." Mr Aizawa said "As you may know, as of today we have a new intern teacher at our school who will be assisting in the training of you, as well as the other hero course classes for the remainder of the year. That is..." Aizawa said with an icy glare to the side,

" ...if he ever GETS HERE!" He yelled, making the classroom jump, and then crane their necks to see the person that Aizawa had yelled at. He appeared in a blip of green light and dust, making some students gasp in shock. Katsuki tensed.

"Sorry, teach" the tall, broad man who had just appeared said, rubbing the back of his neck, an apologetic look on his uncharacteristically sweet (yet chiselled) face. Aizawa sighed.

"I should expect as much from you, problem child." He huffed, giving the man a stern glower, that to anyone who really looked, was really only overshadowing a fond look.

The man turned his attention to the students.

"Hello." He said, a cheery expression on his face " Most of you probably already recognized me as the pro hero Tennmillion. As you also know I am here to help to train you. With me you will focus on mastering your quirks and I will also be teaching a class on analysis of situations and your potential enemies." He said, practically oozing enthusiasm. Katsuki couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Now, " Tennmillion continued "why don't you all introduce yourselves" he said, scanning the line of students. His eyes stopped on Katsuki, every bit as green as he remembered.

He smirked, and Bakugou couldn't help but smirk back. The rest of the class pauses noticing.

"Ah, Katsuki." Tennmillion said casually, his smirk remaining, shocking the rest of 1-A. "Long time no see."

It was all Katsuki could do not to grin.

"No kidding, Deku."

Hi, it's your author.

I'm not making Izu's hero name Deku for plot reasons (no spoilers) so please don't come at me.

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