April Conway Missing?

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April Conway
A friend of mine invited me to brunch after her early morning shift at the Heathman. I parked in the visitors lot and locked my car and that is all I recall. I am blindfolded and tied up somehow. I am cold, thirsty and hungry. I hear noises and doors opening and closing. Yelling a lot of yelling going on. I can't make out what is being said, but I know I am not safe here at all. I don't remember much other than a sharp pain in my neck. I smell food and hear the door open and someone feeds me a hamburger and fries. They give me water as well. I am taken into a room where after is running and they strip me after drugging me with a needle. I am moved to a locked room with a bathroom and bed. Their are chains on my ankles and I am limited to where I go. Now I wished I hadn't went to meet my friend at all. I see a slot in the door and suddenly food and drink is slid through it.
Fred Conway
I reported April missing after the 48 hours, her car was found at the Heathman the same place the worker was attacked. I insist they allow me to look at the security videos and look for anyone she might have been there to meet. She used to meet Ana there for brunch, but the last year Ana said there was a regular there that gave her the creeps and she felt better meeting her elsewhere. Now Ana is in a coma the day April didn't arrive home. Her mother is hysterical after she visited Ana in the hospital.
Sarah Conway
I had to see Ana and see if she knew anything, but what I saw was a frail image of Ana on a ventilator with ivs and tubes and monitors on her very bruised body. Ray at first didn't want me to see her condition. I explained that April is missing and her car was found at the Heathman.
Manager Fitzgerald
Corporate is sending a few people to check out all the security videos and the cctv equipment. They aren't telling me something.
Corporate Officer Ishmael Rosen
I have a chat with the manager and get a bad vibe from him. I decide to have him followed along with having his bank accounts checked out. His calls back and forth have already caught my attention. Raymond Steele has informed me and the cops that a friend of Ana's is missing has been since the day they found Ana. April Conway has been missing for 48 hours and she always makes it home. Her fellow employees said she was meeting a friend at the Heathman, but it wasn't Ana. Ana had told April about not wanting to have her come there while the creepy guest was there. That day he was there. But Ana wasn't the friend she was meeting. All this was from my investigators. Mr Fitzgerald is not telling me something and it will come out soon enough. The Heathman has a stellar reputation for keeping their guests and employees safe at all times, with our security systems. We don't keep all the staff in the know, because we found even the most honest people might have a lapse in judgement. So we have backup systems if they decide to turn off the regular systems. Jason Taylor head of GEH security contacted me directly and said something is screwy at this Heathman and after hearing the story I agreed with him.
Mia Grey
I thought April had changed her mind about joining me at the Heathman for brunch with my family, so she could meet my brothers. She was thrilled over the phone. Now I find out she did drive here, but never made it inside. I told the cops everything I knew, which was she wanted to join us to meet my family especially my brothers. Her parents are frantic and Christian has had some of his friends involved in finding her as well. I have asked if they knew if anyone else came with her, but they have no idea.
Barney Martin IT Security Head
I have joined forces with Heathman Corporate IT to go through everything and we spotted a few issues. Like missing cctv footage, which we were able to get off the company's servers. I can understand paranoia, because Grey and his security have reasons to be paranoid. This company's manager is not innocent and he knew and helped facilitate what happened to the young ladies. Corporate officer Rosen had been getting complaints from employees and guest not long after Fitzgerald was hired as manager. He set Miss Steele up, he knew what Hyde was up to and assured he was able to come and go as he pleased. Burner phones and calls asking if certain employees were working. Facial recognition came back and BMV gave us several different regular customers. One stood out, because a complaint was made and then dropped on a Jack Hyde. The young lady was paid off by parties unknown. She was paid to keep quiet. I give Welch and Taylor the information on Jack Hyde.
I have a talk with Grey and he wants people on this right now and someone watching over the Steele girl. If Mia had been with miss Conway she might be missing as well. The cops aren't telling us a lot. They usually don't to assure it's not contaminating the investigation, and or or alerting the guilty parties of what evidence was found.
God Jack, you screwed up big time. We can't go near the Heathman now. Fitzgerald had us in a good position, but you just had to attack that virgin didn't you?
Jack Hyde
She wanted it, she couldn't stop looking at me when I was there. Fitzgerald set it up for me to have a bit of fun. Had the bodyguard not arrived, I would have had the girl in hand and cart taken to its closet and gone. I would have had two like I had planned.
Well because you had fun, you lost the most important one and now you caught a billionaires interest in this situation. You cost me a lot and now we have to lay low and move to a safer location.
Whatever, girls are a dime a dozen. A hoe is a hoe.

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