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(Aylin) "Seriously?!!"

'Oh shit!' I look up from reading the shopping list and see that I've bumped into someone. Green eyes stare at me waiting for an answer, furious. "Oh, I am truly sorry. Are you okay?"

(Aylin) "Are you okay??!! That's what you have to say to me?"

(Zander) "Umm, to be fair, I did apologize, and I apologize once again." 

(Aylin) "BUt an apology isn't going to make the noodles long again are they?"

'What the fuck? This girl is nuts,' I shake the thought away. "I beg your pardon, but I don't understand what you're trying to say,"

She violently shakes the packet of noodles, "Do ya hear that?" I shake my head no, lips sealed, scared of her next outburst. 'Why are girls so crazy?' She shakes the packet again, more forcefully as if I wear a two-year-old that needed entertaining, "Now?" I don't utter a word. "It's the sound of broken noodles, do you know how many packets I shook to get the perfect one?" She proceeds to take another packet from her trolley and shake it, which has a noticeably smaller sound of crumbs. 'Ahh, now it makes sense.' 

"I am sorry, if it's any consolation, I can help you find another one?" I say. 

"That would be great, thank you," she says in a softer tone. 


"Bee!! I'm home with the groceries!" I shout trying to locate my older sister.  "Bee??"

(Briana) "I'm in the laundry!"

(Zander) "Okay!"

"ZeeEE!!" I hear the twins, Zelda and Boaz, thump down the stairs. They run towards me tackling me down to hug me first. 

(Zelda) "How come you never come to see us?"

(Boaz) "Yeah" 

(Zander) "I'm here now. How about you guys wait for me while I go meet Briana and then you can tell what you've been up to?" 

"Okaay," they say before racing up the stairs. 

(Zander) "Careful!"

Briana walks into the room with a basket of clothes which I immediately take. "I'll make dinner and then they're all yours," she says. 

(Zander) "Yupp, don't worry about them. I'll do everything, including the laundry, just make dinner, I've missed homemade food."

She gives me a cheeky smile, "Are they not feeding you at college? Do I have to talk to Nathan?"

(Zander) "Nah, I'll be fine. Also, let me know when you next need me."

(Briana) "Yeah sure. By the way, the twins fold the laundry, but since you're here they might not, so make it into a little competition and let the winner chose the movie." 

(Zander) "Great, less work for me!" 

She hits me giving me a stern look, "You still gotta help" 

(Zander) "I will." 


"Have fun on your date!" we bid our older sister farewell. 

"Okay ZelBo, we attack the laundry first." I say, "When all the laundry is finished, the person that has folded the most properly clothes chooses tonights movie!" We all move to the living room. "3, 2, 1, Go!!" we race folding the clothes while the twins update me with their life. 

Through the night, I can't stop thinking about the girl at the supermarket. I had finally found a noodle packet that was satisfactory for her, but the whole time, she never failed to mesmerize me. She wore a long yellow coat that wasn't too bright but brought out the golden flecks in her eyes that were framed by large glasses. Her hair sat on her head in a messy bun, that looked like it was about to fall any moment and she had a carefree, effortless look that most girls I knew didn't have.

A/N: So first encounter between Zander and Aylin. Do you think they have chemistry or is it just a one-time thing? 

CQ: If you could only eat one food for a whole day, what would it be? 

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