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I just realized I never thank someone for Fan art- I am so sorry

I just realized I never thank someone for Fan art- I am so sorry

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So here is a thank you very much UwU

Now to the chapter! And I just wanted to say sorry that I haven't been doing daily chapters like I used to. Covid through off my schedule and I don't know, maybe I just don't want to go back to that. I probably won't be able to and I'm sorry.

Also, I wanted to say thank you to Strawberry_SodaPop for being a bee and great supporter of the old and new book
Sabre's point of view


I walked up to the lake or sea. It's hard to tell from where I was standing. Not like I need to pay too much attention to my surroundings at the moment.

I still do though. I don't know why, but I do. I feel the soft breeze blowing. The warm noon sun shining down. The lake or seawater was still. There was nothing around either. Nothing but me.

"I guess this is... my last moment in this world..." I look around and still no one. That means Galaxy and Alex aren't following me or trying to stop me.

"Twenty-one lives. Twenty deaths. All of them... I'm so tired of it... I want to stop for once... take a break..." I reach my hand forward and saw the Disconnect button.

The button that has appeared only a few times, but always when I'm at my lowest points in different lifetimes. I've never pressed it before and I have no idea what it does either.

"It's not like I didn't like my lives... well a few of them were better than others, but I've never despised any of them." I smile a little thinking about the lifetimes I've had.

"This one has been one of the best ones I've had yet. So much happier than the one I had last time..." That life was crazy and fun, but it was hard to relax and smile.

"I'm going to miss them.. all of them... Galaxy, Alex, Overseer. I hope they will be happy once I'm gone." My mind flashes to the first time I meet the Steves and I felt my body start to shake.

"I'm sorry I failed so many of you... All of the Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple Steve's I let die or gave everything they had to protect me and my friends..." I tried to stop shaking, but I couldn't. Trying to stop made me shake more.

"Elemental... Time... Ghost Steve... Light Steve-" I paused. I failed Light Steve so many times and now he is gone just like- I suddenly fell to my knees and started tearing up.

"Rainbow Steve! I'm sorry! it's all my fault. I never got your powers back! I never even fixed your voice! You gave me anything and yet I gave you nothing! You died for me and now I can never say sorry." My voice was breaking and I felt the tears starting to soak my blindfold making it wet and warm.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." It's always my fault... always my fault that they die. It's always because of the villains.

"Origin, Void, Memory, Nightmare, Plague, Faceless, Infinity, Negative, Positive, Shadow, Shadow Sabre, Chaos, and Dark Steve! Leave them alone! Let the Steve leave in peace now!" I scream out to no one.

I looked back at the button that was still hovering in front of me. Now it was calling out to me. Calling me to peace, light, safety, and security.

I slowly got up and reached my hand to the button. I took a deep breath ready for what will come next. I was ready for anything now.

"Sabre! Don't leave!" I heard a voice say. I don't look back already recognizing the voice. Galaxy Steve. I heard two pairs of footsteps. The other pair was probably-

"Sabre! We want you to stay with us!" I heard Alex say. It makes me hesitate for a moment, but only a moment.

"Sabre?..." I heard Galaxy say confused, by now he was right behind me. I didn't look back.

"I'm sorry... I need to do this..." I mutter quietly and press the button. The moment I do lighting strikes on me.

"Sabre!" I heard both Alex and Galaxy scream. I looked up as the lighting continued to strike on me. Soon their voices of them calling for me were drowned out by the sound of thunder.

I closed my eyes as white light filled my vision. I expect to open them to see a beautiful place that was warm and calm. Instead, I open my eyes to a black void.

I looked around to see nothing, but darkness around me. I looked at my hands and saw I was in my true form. It was me, but I was just my code now.

Everyone was cold and there was nothing around. No one around. It was just me. Alone.

I was safe. I felt security, but I don't feel at peace. I don't feel happy or calm. I could only feel things empty and cold.

I wanted to leave.

I tried to summon the button again, or something similar to it so I could leave, but nothing happened.

"Hello?" I say to the void around me. There was no echo it was just my seemly small voice.

"Anyone!" I say louder and nothing. Just me. I walked around slowly.

"I want to leave!" I scream now. My pace slowly picking up. I could hear my footsteps, I could hear my breath and heart, but nothing else. Just me.



I stopped running and looked around panic filling my mind. I want to leave. I want to go. I don't want to stay. I don't want to be alone.

"Sabre..." A voice? I couldn't tell where it was coming from or who it was.

"Sabre..." Louder this time, but I still couldn't make anything out. A button appears in front of me and it said return.

"Sabre! Wake up!" The voice said more clear and I press the button. Lighting strikes on me.

I open my eyes to see Time Steve by my side and holding my hand. It's hard to tell by his face how he felt, but by his body langue, he was worried.

"Time Steve?..." I ask and he nods slowly. It took me a second to remember. All of that was just a memory. A vivid one, but a memory. It's in the past.

"Are you okay? You looked like you were having a bad dream." He says to me worriedly. I've never seen him this concerned about me.

"Yeah I'm okay... it was just a bad dream," I said nervously. I look around the room to see that the sun was up and no one else was in the room. Just me and him.

A lot better than it was in the Void.

I remember he was holding my hand and I pull my hand away nervously. Making me wonder why he was holding my hand of all things.

"Oh okay... If you say it's okay then I believe you." He says. I think he is smiling. Is this what people wonder about me with my blindfold all the time? Probably.

I sit up and stretch. He backs up away from me. I don't mind. I needed some space anyway.

"Everyone is working in the town. When your ready you can come with me- us." He says changing the last word. I noticed, but I know it's probably nothing.

"Okay. I'll be out in a second then... and thanks for waking me up." I say.

"No problem. It's what friends do right?" Before I could answer I leave. I get up. Trying to shake the feeling I got from the dream and memory out of my head.

I grab my clothes and change from my chicken onesie to my chicken hoodie and jeans. I felt the pain in my head. A surge of it and sigh. Another problem I need to fix.

I hold my family's emblem in my hand for a second then go outside to start the day. With a cheesy smile, I always wear.
(Words 1376)

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