Chapter 1

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     Shinsou was laying in his bed at the usual unholy time of 4:00 A.M. playing video games. Only one unusual thing was happening. He was getting a phone call from an unrecognized number. He reluctantly picked up the phone while looking at the number on the screen. "Hello?" "Hey Shinsou, it's Kaminari." "How did you get my number?!" "Deku gave it to me."

     Shinsou put his head in his hands "Midoria whyyyy???" he thought. He returned the phone to his ear and asked, "Why are you calling me at 4:00 A.M?" "Better question," Denki retorted, "Why are you awake at 4:00 A.M?" "Ugh. Whatever. Now seriously, why are you calling me?"

     "Cause' I can't sleep." The words poured from Shinsou's headphones.

     While he thought that was an odd reason to call someone at 4:00 A.M, Shinsou felt some empathy for Denki. He knew what it felt like to have sleepless nights. "Soooo, can I talk to you for a while or are you gonna' hang up on me?" Denki asked. "Fine."

     Why he let the insufferable Pikachu clone stay in the call was a question even Shinsou asked himself. However, when Aizawa walked into the room to tell him to either drink some coffee or so to sleep, something unexpected happened. Aizawa must have heard the sound of Denki talking through Shinsou's headphones, because on his way out the door he paused and turned around. "Who are you talking to?" he asked.

     "Crap, I'm busted," Shinsou thought. "No one, I'm just, uh, listening to a podcast..." Aizawa nodded and left the room. Shinsou waited until he heard his footsteps reach the bottom of the stairs. "Why did you lie?" Denki asked.

      "If he knew I was on the phone with you, he wouldn't be too happy." "Why?" "Let's just say you're not his favorite student." Denki chuckled. It was a sweet sound, it made the corners of Shinsou's mouth turn up. He stopped himself, he wouldn't catch feelings if he could help it.

     Denki continued to talk, and they laughed together for a while until there was a loud crash from Denki's side of the call. "Sounds like Mom's awake," he chided. "What?" Shinsou made a face. "My mom usually knocks over her alarm clock on accident when she tries to turn it off," Denki explained. "I should let you go, she'll be calling me any minute now." "Ok."

     Right before Shinsou could hang up Denki added, "Meet me at the park at 3:00 P.M." "Sure...?" Once again Shinsou was left wondering why he agreed, but he did and there was nothing he could do about that now. 

    He decided to get up and went downstairs into the main room to greet Aizawa, Eri, and Mic. "Good morning," he said in his usual tired voice as he proceeded to pour himself a cup of coffee. "Good morning!" Eri responded happily. 

     Once he was done making his coffee, he sat down at the table with the others. "Hey, Aizawa?" Shinsou asked reluctantly." "Yes?" Aizawa looked up from his plate. "I'm gonna' go out today, is that ok?" Aizawa had a look of pure shock on his face.

     Mic looked up too. "Since when did Shinsou, the forever hibernating bear, go outside?" he joked. Hitoshi shrugged, not knowing what to say. "Yeah it's fine," Aizawa finally responded. 

     After finishing his coffee, Shinsou put his mug in the sink before going upstairs to his room. he sat in bed until his alarm, which he had set that morning, went off meaning it was 2:00. "I should probably get dressed," he thought. he walked over to the closet and pulled out a hoodie. Then he walked down the stairs.

     On his way out the door, Aizawa reminded him that he had to babysit Eri that Friday. Shinsou made a mental note of that and walked out the door. He made his way to the park and found Denki at the entrance. 

     "Hey," Shinsou said once he got over to him. "What's up?" Denki asked as he started walking down the pavement. "Nothing much," Shinsou commented walking next to Denki. They talked casually about video games, music, and some crappy movies. Finally, Shinsou noticed something, he was having fun, and with Kaminari

     he also considered something. What if Denki could come over the day he had to babysit Eri? He thought about that for a moment until Denki noticed he wasn't paying attention. "Hey, Shinsou?" "Yeah?" "Whatcha' thinking about?" "Well, uh..." Shinsou explained the idea to him.

     Kaminari faked a shocked face and asked, "Since when did you ask if people could come over?" Shinsou shrugged in an embarrassed manner. "It'll be boring without someone else there," he justified. 

     Shinsou knew it was a lie but he said it anyway. Denki didn't need to know that Shinsou just liked him. Right? At least that's what he told himself.

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