Part 5

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so I basically pushed this story just to get this chapter out on time and I don't know how I feel about it. Now, this is basically a filler chapter and I honestly think if you skipped over it then you probably wouldn't miss anything.

Today was the start of Yule and to say Abigail was excited would be an understatement. Yule was her all-time favorite holiday and she looked forward to it every year. She loved everything about it from the gathering of supplies for the log near the beginning of the year to burning it at the end. It's always such a peaceful time.

Abigail practically ran down the stairs, still in her cozy winter pajamas, once she heard her dads were awake for the day. Every year on the first day of Yule, Abigail and Hannibal would make their annual spiced hot chocolate. She would kill to have it all the time, but that wouldn't make it as special and plus the fact that Hannibal was pretty adamant about any kind of hot chocolate only being allowed during the cold months.

As expected when Abigail turned the corner, her father was already at the stove working on something for breakfast while her dad sat at the bar, content to just watch his husband cook. Disregarding what was actually cooking in the pan it almost looked like a scene from a movie. A nice relaxing Yule morning, there was nothing quite like this.

"Good morning!" Abigail cheered from her spot in the doorway.

Both Will and Hannibal turned to look at her at once, Hannibal quickly turning back to the stove to make sure nothing was burning before simultaneously greeting her with a good morning back. Will followed up with a smile, "Are you excited for today?"

"Oh yes of course! Do you guys have any plans for today?" Abigail took her seat next to her dad at the bar and almost five seconds later a plate full of meat and eggs was sat in front of her.

"Except for the usual ones?" Hannibal asked calmly, then allowing a small smile to grace his features added, "Absolutely none."

They finished their breakfast in a comfortable silence, often humming in delight at how good it tasted. Abigail was sure that if the dogs were allowed in the kitchen that all they would be doing is begging right now. It was a good thing they weren't, otherwise, they may end up getting just a tiny bit overweight. But she wasn't sure if her dad would even let it get to that point, he would probably be sure the dogs were only getting what was strictly necessary and not a crumb more.

"I hope you don't mind, there were these two men at the diner yesterday that were investigating the ripper. If I remember correctly their names are... Dean and Sam Winchester I think, but I invited them over for the dinner tomorrow." Abigail hoped they wouldn't be mad at her for inviting random people without their permission, but she knew her dads loved to parade around under the noses of people investigating them.

Will and Hannibal shared a knowing look and smiled before Hannibal said, "It's no problem at all, I'll just make sure I have enough food."

With that Will collected their empty plates and went to wash them in the sink. Because Hannibal did all the cooking, Will decided that he could at least wash the dishes, even though they had a perfectly good dishwasher. Hannibal started taking down pots from the cabinets and Abigail took that as time to gather all the needed ingredients. Abigail strode around the kitchen grabbing milk, cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, nutmeg, salt, and cream. It was probably less sophisticated than Hannibal would like but he relented for Abigail's sake.

It would only take up to 20 minutes to make it and if they wanted to, which they usually did, they would make an extra batch to put in the fridge for later. Yule would never be the same without it. As usual, Will measured out each ingredient before handing it over to either Hannibal or Abigail to put in the pot. The burner was set to low heat and soon enough they were finished.

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