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not this chapter being SO SHORT AH

not this chapter being SO SHORT AH

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"She's not going to kill her."

Hotch looks at Spencer, sighing softly. "But she said—"

"I don't care what the note says," Spencer shoots back. "Cora went through all of this for Y/n, to use her or end up with her. She loves her. She's not going to kill her after all of that."

"It's an empty threat," Blake agrees, leaning against the roundtable. "I think the note was just a scare tactic."

Hotch is quiet for a moment. "Have you heard from her?"

Spencer shakes his head. "Not yet. She said she needed a couple days to think about it."

"I don't understand why. We're basically giving her an out," Morgan says, leaning back in his chair.

"She's being manipulated, Morgan," JJ tells him. "She's in a dangerous position; I think it's okay if she takes a moment to look at her options."

"Thanks, JJ," Spencer says gratefully. JJ gives him a small smile, and Spencer gets up from his seat. "If I hear from her, I'll let you guys know."

Hotch nods at him, and Spencer heads to his desk. He collects his bag, pulling the strap over his shoulder. Glancing back at the roundtable room, he spots Blake, locking eyes with her. She gives him a small smile, and he returns it before turning around and walking out of the BAU.

It had been almost twenty-four hours since Spencer had met Y/n at the restaurant, and with every second that passes, his nerves rise just a little bit more. He clutches the strap of his bag as he makes his way to the metro, walking down the steps and stepping onto the train. He sits down, leaning back against his seat and pulling out a book to pass the time.

Thankfully, the time passes quickly, with little thought about Y/n, and Spencer quickly exits the metro when it gets to his stop. He walks to his apartment, walking up the steps while fishing his keys out of his pocket. He unlocks his door, shutting it and locking it behind him. He takes off his bag, setting it next to his couch before heading into his room.

His eyes land on Aquarius sitting on his bed, a small smile tugging at his lips. His eyes linger on the stuffed bear for a moment longer before he peels off his work clothes and throws them in his hamper. He changes into a pair of sweatpants and an old sweater before heading into his kitchen.

He decides on reheated his leftover Chinese from a couple nights ago before settling on his couch, balancing the bowl on his knee as he opens a book. As much as he should be focusing on Y/n right now, he needs a little distraction for just a little bit. Just to give his brain a break.

He slowly eats his lo mein as he reads, sitting crisscross on his couch. The book is enough to keep himself distracted for about an hour, closing the book as he finishes and setting it and the empty bowl on his coffee table. As the clink of the bowl rings out around the empty room, a knock sounds at his door.

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