The Letter...

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It took me a couple of days to put all of my things in their place, a few things I left in their boxes since I didn't know where to place them.
It was a nice Autumn morning and I was sitting next to my window, in my new kitchen, drinking a cup of tea while looking for jobs on the internet, when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

I stopped everything that I was doing, placing my cup of tea on the table and went to open the door, but there was no one outside, I looked left and right, down the street to see if anyone was walking away, or if I could spot any kids..but nothing..

As I went to close the door I noticed a package wrapped in the brown paper right on top of my welcoming mat. It's needless to say that it got my attention and curiosity, so I picked it up and brought it inside -stupid, I know, but curiosity got the best of me-. 

Who would know that my life would never be the same ever again after I opened the package?
Not me!

Going back into my kitchen, I placed the package on my table and studied it, trying to find who had sent it, but sadly it had no information on it what so ever, so I just ripped the brown paper to reveal a very old letter and a book.

'Odd..' I thought but started tearing up once I noticed the senders name on the letter...

It was my grandfather's name..

To those who don't know, my grandfather died when I was very little, and all I had left from him was his incredible stories..

The letter read..

 'My dearest angel,    
         If I'm right, this letter should be delivered to you on this exact date, per my directions. I'm sad to tell you that I won't be around by then to see you grow up and become the woman I know you will be...I told no one, but I'm dying of a rare blood disease and I don't have long left to live. 

But before I go, I do have one last wish, that only you will be able to fulfil.. Remember those amazing storied that I was telling you when you were just a child? Well, those were true, at least for me, and I really want you to go live your own adventures

Attached to this letter, is a book, I know it looks new..but trust me, it's very old. Inside you will find everything that you need, and I really hope that one day you will be able to pass it down to your own children or grandchildren.

I know that you must be wondering, why didn't I give the book to your mother, well my dear child, it's because the book chooses who can open it and live out its stories.
You must be thinking that this is a crazy man's talk, but once you start reading, you'll understand.

I really hope that you have fun and that you'll find love as I did. But be careful, this book comes with many dangers. Sadly, I can't tell you more, this you have to discover by yourself.

Take care of yourself my dear, and trust me, we will see each other again, I may not remember you..but you surely will.

                                                                             I love you my moon, take care..
                                                                                                    Your grandfather..''

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