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I wake up to the sound of cars passing on the street and the feeling of the warm sun hitting my skin through the window. I've always loved that feeling in the morning even though I am not much of a morning person.

The moment I stretch out my arms along with the soft white bedding that smells like sweet lavender I realize Alex isn't laying by my side. But then I remembered it is Saturday. Alex needs to work on Saturdays most of the time unlike me who is free every weekend, one of the benefits of being a teacher.

I miss Alex when he is off to work and I have nothing to do but I can enjoy some me-time. It gives me time to think about stuff. 

So on days like this I just relax, maybe clean the house a little bit or read a book with a cup of coffee. Sometimes I even bake some cookies or a cake.

When I finally find the courage to come out of bed I throw my legs off the bed and let my feet hit the warm wooden floor. With the sun shining onto the wooden floor it's like we have our own free underfloor heating.

I pull my body up from the bed and start walking towards the bathroom with my eyes still partially closed. 

I arrive at the door of the bathroom with a slightly faster step, I need to pee really bad. It happens to me every day which is not fun, it ruins my peaceful mornings.

After my little pee session, I walk back into the bedroom and into the kitchen to get a nice cup of coffee. It helps to get up and going in the morning. 

When the coffee is ready and the room is filled with the delicious smell of coffee beans I take the hot cup from the countertop which is close to burning my fingers.

I place myself in the comfortable armchair in the living room with my coffee that has just a little bit of milk in it. 

The armchair is in a red-green ish color, Alex chose it because it reminded him of Christmas. I couldn't say no to his whining, he really wanted that chair so he used his cute little puppy face to convince me. After I finally gave in he was overloaded with happiness just because we were going to get the chair. The rest of the day he couldn't get the smile off his face with his beautiful dimple.

I snapped back to reality when I realized I was still holding the super hot cup of coffee which had now definitely burned my fingers. I quickly put the cup on top of the little dark brown table next to the chair. Right after I put the cup down I rub my hands together to get rid of the burned feeling on my fingers.

When my hands were back to the normal feeling I picked the cup back up carefully this time so I wouldn't burn my fingers again. I take my first sip of coffee and appreciate the feeling of the warm liquid running down my throat. 

The moment I put the cup back down I suddenly remember the conversation I had with Alex yesterday before we went to sleep. I told him about my day and the fact that I started the lessons about Dunkirk with my class. He got very uncomfortable when I brought it up. 

I understand his reaction it's not like it was the happiest time in our lives. But then he mentioned something himself I never thought he would, the journal. 

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