6-"His name is Louis"

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-Eleanor Calder-

And of course in my moment of desperation , it was the boy from last week's dance who was in the car which finally saw me for a girl in need of a ride, not a pointless road sign to drive straight past.

The car was a cheap convertible. The boy, Tommo, or Thomas, got out of the back seat where he'd sat and took my hand (I swear it was sweaty again now) guiding me into the car like I wasn't able to do it myself. "Zayn, in the boot." he ordered the black haired boy who now did what Thomas had said, and vacated a seat for me.

He held onto my cold, and still probably sweaty, hands with his warm ones which were surprisingly soft, the whole ride. It didn't bother me, he kind of helped me calm down. About thirty feet down the road from the civic I asked to be dropped off.

"Headed to the civic?" Tommo asked.

I didn't lie by saying no, so I nodded instead of speaking again to avoid my voice cracking like it did last time.

The car stopped just outside the centre and Thomas stepped out of the convertible to let me out. I expected him to get back in but instead he stayed with me and said to his mates in the car "Later lads."

"I can walk alone pretty well. I will be right without you, stay your friends if you want."

"I don't want. I agree, you can walk alone but I'm not letting you dance alone, or worse, with some other ass." I do not know why he liked my hands so much, but he always held at least one. "So we can pretend we didn't arrive together, I'll go off with the other lads here, you can stick with the girls. In a few, I'll be right back for you. Sound alright?"


The boy walked away, keeping contact with my eyes for a few seconds before he turned. He winked in a way that Harry, my brother's best friend and the biggest flirt I knew, never would. Neither really could. This wink wasn't to impress, but to make me feel like this was something for just us.

I did look around a little for Fizzy, who I found but didn't end up approaching because she was with Calum already. So my eyes found Louis and just followed him.

"He goes to Hall Pass." my head snapped to the left to see Mary, who was not on a boy's arm.

Hall Pass, of course, was Hall Pass Academy, an all boys school which also had a girls campus. I'd planned on going to the girls campus if I didn't make it into the all girls secondary school which I now attended. My chances of acceptance had been high, since I'd started prep at the St. Marylebone Primary School and gone through all my schooling there.

Now I was embarrassed Mary had seen me staring. She was the kind of person who would instantly assume I had a crush on him. Mary smiled down at me, not exactly a friendly smile, a bit more like a smirk. "His name is Louis, Tomlinson I believe. I heard his father died in the war."

"Poor fella." I nodded casually, to try and come across as disinterested.

"I saw him stare at you before, you should go up to him, see if he asks you." Mary suggests hopefully.

"So you haven't been asked then yet?" I asked Mary, both out of genuine curiosity and in an attempt to change the subject. Mary was literally always the first girl to get attention anywhere. Her very presence demanded it. Mary didn't reply, I figured it was because she was busy being asked by a boy who had curly brown hair. I knew him from Niall's cricket, he was the older brother of someone who Niall had said was the team's worst player.

Tommo, or Louis now, came up to me from behind. I heard his voice, a very distinct one he had, and instantly spun around. "Couldn't spot yeh anywhere. What yeh up to?"

"Uhh, I'm just. Nothing." I answered very, very quickly.

"Sounds good." He nods and smiles at my answer, " You don't mind joining me for a spot of dancing then, right love?"

I shook my head 'no,' as is 'no I don't mind dancing with you'.

"Hi Louis." I smiled trying not to seem shy. For me, that usually had the opposite effect. Louis smiled back at the fact that I'd called him by his first name. He had a sweet smile that made his eyes light up and sparkle.

"Do you believe in fate Calder? I think I might, and if fate is a thing then that could explain what seeing you there on the street was."

I smiled a little bit. I'm not sure what he means exactly. 

"Or should I call you Ellie? I think that's what the blonde called you. Whatever your true identity is, Elena, may I have your arm?" Louis extended his hand and his smile.

For some reason I felt nervous as I told him my first name, "It's Eleanor, but yes, you can have my arm." I put my hand in his. "I'll just go cut it off for you now..." I add, in a hesitant attempt to joke. He responds with a laugh, the look on his face suggests that he is surprised to see me joking with him. Louis then walked us across the room, and as the music began, he initiated our dance. His confidence is so utter that it leaves no room for my own clumsy awkwardness to slip into our dancing. I'm perhaps a better dancer than him, in terms of training and technicality, but Louis is a leader, a performer.

He seems to be mulling over something as he looks down at me, "Technically your arm is still yours, and no matter how many times I ask for it, it always will be." 

"Well I always sort of think about how strange it is that instead of just asking to dance, men ask for a lady's arm. Is it only the arm they are attracted to? Should we go remove it for them?" I'm smiling shyly, but he seemed to be amused by this earlier. 

"Well, I don't want you to. I suppose next week I'll find an alternative method of proposal."

When it came time for the partner swapping, Louis was seemingly displeased and attempted to move us away from other couples. Out of fear of appearing unsociable, I resisted, Louis huffing slightly. I caught him glancing at me over the shoulder of each other dance partner he took, each time I made contact with his blue eyes, I felt my heart skip. I made a conscious effort to focus on whichever partner I would dance with, as some would attempt conversation, however it was difficult to reign my muddled thought in. 

Finally, we returned to our original partners. Tommo was at my side before I could even locate him in the crowd. I'm not sure how he did those things.I began to enjoy myself, although at the same time I longed for it to end, my heart was pattering so quickly and my hands were growing so sweaty I felt they would slip from Louis'. He seemed to take no notice or care of these things as he moved in an effortless style, smiling down at my lowered eyes. I spent a lot f time staring at the floor, looking up at him took courage- he sent my nerves into a frenzy.

And again, just before the second last dance,  he asked me if it was okay if he left a little early again.I was surprised by this, it seemed to me he'd been having a good time. Was it my hands? Where was it he had to go so urgently again? I told him it was oaky though, what else was I to say? "I can make this up to you, I promise." He said, both my hands still in his. He squeezed them gently and slowly let go. "I'll give you a ring, yeh?" I nodded quickly. 

"Okay," he began backing away, "I'll hear you on the phone and I'll see you sometime soon,"  and with a wave he turned toward the exit, walking with his hands joined loosely behind his back as he always did. I watched until he nearly reached the door, at which point the next song began playing, and I reluctantly looked away, before heading back to those solitary benches. >>>>>

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