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I entered in the deep forest to find skyscraper tall trees, dark perifying surrounding but besides being scared i felt a feeling of some connection with this area , a homely feeling, it feels i suddenly found my precious thing which i lost somewhere. I don't know i never felt this before , i think it's because of my past that mr. Mackenzie told me.

I took some steps forward and suddenly the whole forest brighten up with dazzling flowers, the leaves of the trees starts shinning.

I took some steps forward and suddenly the whole forest brighten up with dazzling flowers, the leaves of the trees starts shinning

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I was awestruck by the beauty of the forest. I was admiring the forest with an awe , then suddenly i heard a deep husky voice calling my name i look around to find no one , I think it as my illusion but again i heard a voice it's definitely not my illusion someone is here but who is calling me i thought and again look around.

"I am here Aleena at your back look at me", i again hear that voice, i turn around to find a tall, wide tree looking like the oldest tree of the forest. I confusingly stepped in front of the tree.

"Oh, my child Aleena i know one day you will come here, so glad to see you. I am the magical tree of life of this forest. I am responsible for the upbringing of this magical forest.", The voice came from the huge tree. I was surprised at first but composed myself. "So, tell me dear what brings you here."

"I am here to find the way to land of humans, Asangre caged my parents and now our whole kingdom is in danger so i have to find the Book of Fortune which is in land of humans, so will you please tell me the route?"i said to the magical tree.

"I know, i can see your parents Aleena they are in danger , they are caged by Asangre, he is trying to take away the powers of your parents, there life is in danger Aleena, you have to be quick whatever you are going to do."

I get a bit emotional after listening about my parents. I have a very little time otherwise i will lose them.

"Sure, I will do everything in attempt to save them", i said in a bit emotional way.

"You have to be strong Aleena. You are the future of Franctopia. There are so many eyes on you."
I wiped my little unshed tears and look at him with a slight smile and a determined look. There is no need to say anything my facial expressions were enough to express my words itself.

"Can you please tell me the way to land of humans, magical tree",i said .

"I will show you but before that i have to give you something.", He said
"What?", I asked while giving a questionable look.

The magical tree took forward his one stem to a pond filled with silvery liquid. He took a small amount of liquid in its leaves and give it to me.

I cupped my palms and take that liquid.

"This liquid will help your body to adapt the new environments in the land of humans. And also gives you some magical powers to understand their language and a special power of healing, this potion can heal anyone. But you can use this power only three times. Be careful Aleena don't reveal your identity to everyone it can be dangerous for our Kingdom. I had only this magical liquid for you , hope it will help you a lot there."

I just nodded, thanked him quickly and gulp that liquid.
"Now, you are ready to go there, Aleena , Take care of yourself now come here."

The trunk of the magical tree turns into a cave to show me the way to land of humans.

The trunk of the magical tree turns into a cave to show me the way to land of humans

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I took some steps forward and entered inside it .
There was dark all around , i decided to walk forward and after sometimes I found a huge golden door , as i stepped closer to it , it opened automatically, so I stepped outside and the door disappeared behind large leaves.

As i turned, i found myself in a huge forest. Dense and huge trees covering the whole area , i look all around only to find huge tall tress. But obviously it was different from our magical forest, the trees are different, creatures also.
A silence spread around there, only a soft rustling sound of leaves and chirping of birds are giving soothing sensation to my ears. I just close my eyes amd feel the soothing environment. After sometime, i open my eyes and decided to explore the forest. So i started walking.


So, finally Aleena arrive in the land of humans.

Her journey started from magical forest to a mortal forest. Lets see where this journey goes.

Tell me what do you think about Aleena's character, is she is brave enough to save her kingdom?

So stay tuned to know her journey full of adventure..

Hope you like this part.
This one is actually so boring, so forgive me for this.

Do leave your reviews ❤❤

Thank you
Yours baby writer

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