Then On After, Chap. 1

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Then On After

Chapter 1


October 30, 2011

Senior Year


Marcie's POV

   Senior year, the last horrid year of life I have to spend at that dump. High School was suppost to be awsome but no, no Drew. My best friend, the guy I was going to live the rest of my life with. Freshman year wasnt too bad, I dated maybe 4 guys, but I felt nothing. After that, I became a brick wall that dared anyone to try to rip down, and they, well, they didnt. I only dated, Mark, Tom, Chris, and Adam. There really cute, but nothing compared to Andrew, and trust me, EVERY girl wanted him, he dated a couple girls, nothing to serious.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, and I was like Baby Baby Baby OOOOH like Baby Baby Baby NOOOO like Baby Baby Baby OOOH Thought you'd always be mine mmiiin-"" eeert! No more of that crap! Time to wake up... Grrrrrrrrr, dont wana go to school, but im gana. 


'U cmin 2 skool??' I type a quick reply


'u wnt me 2 cm gt u??'

'neh, ill walk'

'k, b careful!'


"MARCIE WAKE UP!" screams my younger brother, Todd.

"I AM UP!" I yell back

"WELL GET READY! MY BUS IS HERE! IM OUT!" and with that the front door opens and shuts then I hear the engine of the bus roar down the street. I get out of bed and look out my window, into the room that used to be Andreas, now his family moved and the house is for sale. I miss him, so much.

   I head to my closet aand pull out my black skinnies and a black and white graphic tee with my black uggs (I am not depressed) and head to my bathroom. I take a 5 minute shower not washing my hair since I did that last night and got dressed. I brushed my teeth and mouth washed, then started on my hair and make-up. All I did was brush my hair, apply mouse and gel, flat iron my bangs and put a little line of eye liner and a coat of mascara. Then im done.

   I run downstairs and grab an apple to eat. Then hear my mom and dad coming,

"Hunny, Marcie you still here??"

"In the kitchen."

"Okay, good, come outside, we got a supprise for you."

"Mkay." and I hop off the stool at the Island and hear outside. But my dad puts a hand over my eyes. And they lead me out the door.

"Okay hunny, we know you've been asking for this for a while. And now your eight-teen so this is for you." and my dad let go of my eyes only for me to face the most hot truck ive EVER seen! Its a midnight blue color, and so HOT!!!! Jeeez, ima get a lot of attention at school!

"Mom. Dad. THANKS!!!!!!!!" And I gave them both a hug and got the keys from my dad.

"Your welcome hunny. And it is insured but still, be careful!"

"I know, I know. I got to go. Bye!" and I hopped in to the car and made my way to school.

   I got a lot of looks as people stood there wiith their mouths hanging open. And I parked in everyones view and hopped out only to be tackled into a hug by Abby and Cody. My other friends.

"Is this your car??" asked both of the.

"Yes.yes it is."

"OMG!!! ITS HOT!!!!" screamed Abby,

"I agree with Abbs." said Cody.

"Thanks, got supprised with it this morning by the parents.

"Well, lets get going." and we walked in the school. We went to our lockers, which also happened to be next to eachother. And got our stuff for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period so we dont have to make trips back. I have 1st and 3rd period with Cody and 2nd period with Abby. First period, Algebra 2.

   Me and Cody make our way there and I take my usual seat in the back of the room and the teacher starts with the lesson. After a long 45 minutes of that, its time to go to 2nd period, Biology. It takes us a few minutes to get there since its on the other side of the school. Im talking to Abby and wwhen we get there, there is a crowd of the usual hoes around my table, gosh!

"UM, move. Now." and they scatter revealing this super hot boy that is smiling at me. And he looks just like, Drew.

"Hi, Im Andrew, but they call me Drew." Oh no.


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