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'What a blissful morning!' a middle aged man thought stepping outside in the balcony inhaling deeply that fresh morning air. Not a moment later he saw a guy accompanied by two other guys sneaking into his neighbouring building which is just a left turn towards the corner. "Oh gosh!!" he exclaimed under his breath when he saw the guy taking out a gun and squatting towards the house precautiously . Then they disappeared by the corner . He turned back and rushed towards the back window to inspect what's going on in there, but all he could hear is just some distinct feeble mutters . 

Viraj, one among those three guys, just got a whereabout of the guy whom he was searching for nearly a month. So he asked for a company of his police friend Abhimanyu. He thought of an unexpected visit to the guy who made him go through a series of sleepless nightmares. Everytime he is reminded of that particular incident his pulse rate increases and face becomes red with red teary eyes which make him look like a monster seeking for vengenance . And finally tonight he will have a good night sleep, he thought as he was approaching towards the door he is about to smash.
And , BANG!! The door felt wide apart. The man inside , while arranging his chess boards, calmly said , " Aahh!! At least should have knocked this time?"
" How many times do I have to fix that door lock for your every goddamn heroic entry ?"

Without hesitating Abhimanyu said, " Stay wherever you are and put your hands behind your head. "
He took a deep sigh . Then he looked at the clock which reads eight past nine. He turned around to check who left the TV on . He got up and reached for the remote. Abhimanyu unlocked his gun's safety lock and pointed it more firmly towards him. Instead of turning off the TV he was standing there gazing more attentively .
Suddenly he broke the silence, "You know this movie , Shutter Island, is one of my favourite suspense thriller movie. I recommend you guys to watch it too. " Then he turned off the TV come back to his chair and adjusted himself with comfort. He leaned forward to make a move in the White's side on the chessboard and suddenly he looked up and said," What you guys are still doing here ? I thought I gave you enough time to run away? "
" Don't ridicule us . We came here to arrest you with concrete evidence and you are going with us. ", Avinash said.
He chuckled which later broke into a loud laughter.

" How hilariously stupids you guys can be ?? You guys got only these place? My home? Most evident place to arrest me?" he said out in laughter, "Are you sure you guys know me? Binode!! You ever heard the terror behind this name ? "

" We know everything and we know what you do and what you had done with me " Viraj implies

" Well nice, since you had entered my home how do you think you are gonna return the same way you came ?" he said , well this time in a serious tone .

And as soon as he said it , bunch of goons appeared from nowhere. The numbers are too much for the three to tackle their way out of them since it is not any south indian movies where a guy can smash an army of goons single-handedly. It is real.
Viraj started sweating profusely, swearing beneath his breath. Oh fuck,fuck,fuck! For god's sake, fuck! All of a sudden he started swinging the guy behind him and tackled other two and three of them . Although he tried his best,his face landed with big thump on the table scattering the well decorated chess pieces. He can feel that tremendous force of the palm keeping him glued to the table ,while he can feel his eye may pop out anytime now.

Binode picked up those chess pieces and arranged it in the board the previous way . He looked at Viraj who is struggling to get up but that squeezed face and unrecognizable speech mutters made him chuckle. He looked up to Abhimanyu and said, "He must be trying to tell you to shoot me. Why have you been carrying that gun all along? Make a good use of it . "

"It is against our protocol", Abhimanyu replied

"Dumbshits! ", he buffled

Abhimanyu's grip over the gun kept getting stronger and stronger .

" Do you even have the courage, coward? Do you even know how to use it, amateur? " Binode raised his tone

This words enraged Abhimanyu and without any hesitation he pulled the trigger. Out of shock they noticed that it didn't hit Binode and neither did it did any damage to the sofa where it is lying .

With a smirk he looked towards Viraj making an eye to eye contact and said, " Well you can see I'm not dead. I'mma kinda immortal, you know. Hope you are satisfied now ."

All three of them were completely shocked and left blank faced . Binode made a gesture at which the guy let Viraj ease a bit.

" I can feel the heave of suspense in the environment here . Let us unbox it bit by bit through a game . Let's have a chess match ."
Binode said,       "What do you say Viraj you want answers? Why not have a match then?"

Viraj is still doubting on his such kind gesture . He can't make up the mind what will be the next word coming out of his mouth . Will it be a 'You,motherfucker' on his face or 'With a pleasure I am in'. 
While he is in such deep ride of thoughts , Binode implies, " Well then, I will give you a better one then."
" If you win, you take me. But,but,but if you lose I might do whatever I want to do with you . Moreover , you are stuck here if you don't agree with it . I think I left you with no choice. Oops, I made it too unfair for you. "

And yet, Viraj is left with no choice either. Better he can attempt to score a goal than not even trying to. So he slid a chair by his side and sat down .
Then there comes the first move from white .... A pawn to D4.

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