Chapter 2 Arriving At Camp Know Where

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After a two hour drive, they finally arrived to Camp Know Where. "Already Dusty, we have arrived! Gimme hugs and kisses!" his mom said in a sad voice. Dustin hugged his mom and gave his mom a kiss on her cheek. "Love you mom! See ya in a month" "Love you too, Dusty! Don't forget to change your underwear everyday!" she ordered him. "Ok I will. Bye mom!" He laughed and he got out of the car and grabbed his bag from the trunk then waved to his mom as he walked off to the entrance to Science Camp. "Well hello there, Young Man! You must be Dustin Henderson! Welcome to Camp Know Where, Where you will learn about our greatest science in history!" Said a tall man in a wearing green short sleeve shirt saying 'Camp Know Where' and yellow shorts with green and white high socks, greeting Dustin. "Hello! Thank you so much!" He smiled with his pearls as he was being leaded to his cabin. "Follow me, please Henderson! You can call me, Mr. Know." he told Dustin. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Know, sir!" Dustin replied cheerfully. As he got to his cabin, he was greeted by a young boy that was going to be his roommate. "Here you are, here is your cabin and your roommate. You boys will make great friends! If you need anything, don't be afraid to sound this Air Horn." Mr. Know told Dustin as he gave an Air Horn. "Later boys, class will be in an hour!" he told the boys as he left the cabin. "Alright, see you then Mr. Know!" the boys waved as he walked out. "So what's your name? My name's Buzz ." the young boy started off with a conversation. "I'm Dustin, pleasure to meet you." he smiled at his roommate showing his pearls. "Are your teeth plastic? They look fake!" Buzz asked in shock. "As a matter of fact, these are my dentures." Dustin replied taking out his dentures. "I got cleidocranial dysplasia." "Oh, that's weird!" Buzz said as he walked away getting ready for class. Dustin puts back in his dentures thinking to himself. "He sounds like a bully."

Class starts in twenty minutes, and the boys were heading to class. In class, Buzz sat in a desk in the back of the room and Dustin sat in a desk next to a young girl with glasses and with black hair in two piggy tails lowered down her shoulders. She couldn't help but notice him with a big smile on her face and Dustin smiled back showing his pearls. She looked away still smiling as her face turned light pink with a small giggle.

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