☹︎ It Hurts ☹︎

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Hmph! Todoroki has been working nonstop for the past 4 days! He hasn't paid attention to me at all. Every time I try to talk to him he tells me he's busy. Right now I'm making him his favorite, cold soba. He better pay attention to me now!

I finish up and pour it into a bowl. I open the draw grabbing a pair of chopsticks. I walk down the hall towards his bedroom. I knock twice, no reply. I open the door only to see his eyes reflecting his computer screen. I sigh not surprised.

"Todoroki?" I call out. "What is it? Can't you see I'm busy right now." He replies not glancing at me. "Well, I made you cold soba." I smile. "Set it down next to me, I'll eat it later.". I furrow my brows in anger. I'm so fucking done!

"Fuck you Todoroki! You have been in your room for the past 4 days working! Can you just give me some of your time?!" I protest. "Don't you understand I have important work to do?! I don't have time for your selfishness!" He yelled out in frustration. "You're calling me selfish?" I scoff

I walk over to him and dump the soba on his head. I start feeling hot tears fall down my face. He looks at me wide-eyed. I storm out of the room grabbing my jacket putting it on. I open the door, leaving the house. Ugh, I hate him! I'm not being selfish I just feel lonely. I realize it was snowing.. shit.

I only brought a thin jacket dammit. I walk to the park that's only a mile away from my house. I take a seat on the bench and pull my knees up to my chest. I then start to cry again. After what feels like forever, I wipe my tears and glance at my phone.

6:38 PM

Already? I look around, it was getting dark. Should I go back? I click on Todoroki's contact. No... I don't think I'll be able to face him without breaking down. Maybe Mina? She knows how to handle these situations. I switch to Mina's contact and dial her number.

Beep Beep

Service unstable

Fuck I have no service! This day just... keeps getting worse. I get off the bench struggling to stand up since I was sitting for about 2 hours. I walk down the sidewalk not knowing where I'm going. I bury my hands deep in my pockets shivering from the cold. Fucking hate this. As I'm walking I hear a woman's voice.

"Please leh-let go of me! Ah!"

I quickly run towards the voice. It was coming from the alleyway! I run seeing the woman being pinned on the wall by two guys. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER" I demand. "Hm? Look who we have here." The man said he was about an inch taller than me. "You bitch leave her ALONE!" I punch his face causing him to stumble back. The other man let go of the woman walking towards me.

"Run! Get the hell outta here and call for help!" I whisper to her. She nods with a scared face running away from us. "You just had to ruin the fun heh" The other man laughed. "Rot in hell you dickhead!" I grit my teeth. "Y'know what's gonna happen to you right?" They smirk. Shit! I turn around and sprint. Fuck fuck fuck! What the hell am I gonna do?! Todoroki... Not now dumbass you're being chased!

I run in the direction of my house. I can feel them getting closer. I don't think I'm going to make it home... all of a sudden I get yanked back. The man threw me to the ground "Why are you running eh?". I try to get up only to be kicked down. "Oh no no no you're not going to run." He bends down to my level. SMACK!

I squint my eyes as I get harshly slapped on the cheek. He starts pulling on my hair. I try to bunch him but the other dude grabbed my arms. I get punched 4 times feeling the blood trickle down my nose. He then grabs a fistful of my hair smashing my head against the hard pavement. I yelp out in pain. They both start to kick me in the ribs and stomach.

This is how I'm going to die huh? If only I stayed back home with Todoroki. Todoroki... he'll save me, right? "TODOROKIIII!!" I scream out in pain. "No one's gonna come to save your ass." He said. Please.. please please, please! I don't wanna die... not like this. He steps roughly on my hand. SHIT! I cry out in pain. It hurts... "Todoroki"... it hurts a lot.


I feel horrible... I shouldn't have yelled at him. I've been so caught up with work that I ignored Bakugo. I have to make it up to him but where is he? It's been 4 hours since he left. Maybe he's with his friends? I dial Kirishima's number.

"Hey Todobro! What's up?" Kirishima said. "Hi Kirishima. Are you with Bakugo?" I ask. "No. I texted him an hour ago and he hasn't replied. Is he okay?" Kirishima wonders. "Well not exactly. We got into an argument and I said something stupid so he left." I sigh. "I'm not gonna ask why because it's probably personal but maybe ask Denki, Sero, or Mina." He says. "Alright, thank you"

I hang up dialing Denki then Sero then Mina. They haven't seen him either. Shit... I get up from my desk grabbing my fur coat and keys. I get in the car driving towards the park. He might be there... hopefully. I get there but no sign. I go straight ahead until I notice something no someone. They were laying on the sidewalk? I stop the car, getting out. As I run closer I notice that it isn't just someone... it's Bakugo.

I sprint over to him. He was... covered in blood. His hair was drenched in dark red blood, bruises littered his body. His jacket was torn off leaving him freezing in the snow. No no no no! This can't be happening. "BAKUGO!" I yell bringing his head onto my lap. I take off my jacket wrapping it around his pale body.

Quickly, I dial 911. "911, what's your emergency?" The lady said "MY-MY BOYFRIEND HE'S ALL BEATEN. I FOUND HIM ON THUH-THE SIDEWALK PALE AND BLOODY." I yell into the phone. "Okay, sir I need you to send me your location. Breathe with me alright?" The lady said. After 10 minutes I hear sirens coming towards us.

It all happened in a blur. They put Bakugo on a stretcher. We're in the back of the ambulance. I can't stop shaking. It's all my fault... if I would've paid attention to him he wouldn't have left. Wouldn't have been beaten. Fuck! I hold on to his hand as if he'd disappear if I let him go. We soon arrive at the hospital. We go inside heading to room number... 143.

•••Time Skip•••

I've been waiting outside for about 2 1/2 hours. What if he doesn't make it? No don't think that! Get a hold of yourself Todoroki! "Um Shoto Todoroki?" A doctor walks out of Bakugo's room looking around. "Yes?" I walk up to him.

"Okay, so where do I start..? Bakugo is in better condition now. We put him under anesthesia because he had a fractured nose. We had to reposition the broken bones in place and put a cast. Bakugo had an open wound on the side of his head so we stitched that up."

"He has a sprained wrist so we gave him a brace. We found bruises on his neck so we are assuming he was choked. Bruises on his stomach, arms, and legs. We will give you a bottle of pain killers and ointment to cover the bruises." The doctor explained. Oh my god. I feel like I'm going to vomit. "Ah-alright how much is the medical fee?" I ask

"The fractured nose costs 1,562$, stitches cost 250$, brace cost 168$. Ointment and pills in total are 60$. So in total, the fee is 2,040$." The doctor read out from his clipboard. I nod. I don't care about the cost I just want Bakugo. I want to hug him, tell him that he's going to be okay. I want to protect him.

"Bakugo's able to leave tomorrow at 4:30 PM" The doctor said. I walk inside and see Bakugo laying peacefully on the bed. His arms are connected to a heartbeat monitor. I can hear his calm steady breaths making me feel a bit better. I pull a chair and sit next to him. I pull his hand onto my lap. "Bakugo I'm sorry... this is all my fault. I love you" I kiss his hand.

"It's oh...kay Tuh-Todoroki..." Bakugo whispers out. His eyes slowly opening revealing his magnetic crimson eyes. He smiles a soft delicate smile. My heart breaks. I cover my face as I start sobbing. "No Todo please duh-don't cry..." Bakugo begs slowly lifting himself to hug me. "Bakugo lay down you're hurting yourself" I tell him

He lays back down looking at me with tearful eyes. I bend my head down and kiss him. He slowly kisses back lifting his right arm and hooking it around my neck. I break the kiss smiling at him. "I love you" 

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