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"Hey Y/N! Wake up," A gentle but firm voice disrupted your sleep. You looked around to see the familiar room which was still unfamiliar to you since it wasn't your bedroom. You fell asleep in the school library. You yawned but halted abruptly mid-way when you felt the presence of another person beside you. The class president, Namjoon.

"Namjoon-ssi?" You mumbled out.

"It's late Y/N. You fell asleep and the librarian left already. I had some work to finish so I was here but I saw you so I woke you up," He flashed his pokable dimples.

"Oh. I'm sorry for causing you trouble, I will leave now," You gathered your belongings and stood up.

"Let's leave together, let me just lock the library up." 

You nodded at his words, walking out of your most favorite place in the whole school. But one look outside and panic started to set in. A thunderstorm was about to start and there was no way that you could make it to your home in time without getting wet. On top of it you didn't have an umbrella and your parents were out as well. Just your luck.

"Namjoon-ssi," You called out dejectedly, "A thunderstorm is about to start. We can't make it in time." Namjoon lived a few blocks away from you anyway.

"Oh, it looks bad," He said looking at the almost dark sky, "We will have to stay till it passes, we can't risk going out in the rain. And I don't have an umbrella."

"I hope it passes away soon."

"Same, now come in."

You took your previous seat and Namjoon sat a few seats away. Finding nothing better to do, you started to finish your assigned homework. You had made your way through most of it when suddenly your phone started ringing in your pocket. It was your mom.


"Y/N, are you back yet?" Your mother asked.

"Not exactly, I fell asleep after class and now I'm stuck here. A thunderstorm is about to start," You sighed. You had plans of completing the new piece of Chicken Soup for the Soul that you had ordered recently but it wasn't going to happen.

"Are you the only one in the whole school?! Alone!"

"No, Namjoon is with me." 

Your mother knew him. He was the class president after all and not to mention, basically a neighbor of yours.

"Oh, thank god you aren't alone. I called to tell that your father and I are going to get a bit late. Ensure to lock all doors and windows when you reach home, okay?"

"Okay, take care. Bye."

"Bye." She cut the call. 

You kept your phone aside and started to work on your Math assignment, successfully getting stuck in one of the sums.

"Are you hungry? Why are you biting the back of your pen so aggressively?" Namjoon asked, looking up at you in amusement.

An idea struck you. "Why am I even stressing this much when you are here? Help me with this one sum," You passed your notebook to him.

Namjoon looked at your scribbles with full concentration. You took the time to look at his features. Namjoon was one of the kindest persons you had ever met. He was intelligent, no doubt, but he had a big heart and was very friendly. The occasional small but rather deep conversations that happened between you both was something you looked forward to, you realized. Besides these, he was very good at skiing. You had heard it only, you had never seen him ski. The person who ends up with him is going to be so lucky.

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