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I see, you need an editor and then you came here to see if you could get one to edit your book or you are just that Wattpader looking for an awesome book to read and then you came across this book and then you were like, "Let's see what's in it."

Whatever category you fall in, we are glad that you are here.

Welcome to the only heaven on Wattpad. If you have read our bio, you must have known the joke by now but whatever, we are still going to say it because we love bad jokes!

Hehehe, you are not dead. We are just angels sent to Wattpad to polish your book and help create books that are enlightening, seamless, and pleasurable to read and helping you to reach that goal. We are angels so be expecting some miraculous changes in your work. Don't panic yet, it's free of charge. We are not collecting actual money but there will be another kind of payment that you will give to appreciate the good work of our editors! 

Everything you need to know will be written in other chapters of this book. So just go deeper.

May the angels guide you.

👼 👼 👼

Angel Editing ShopWhere stories live. Discover now