Chapter 9

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Did he do the right thing? He finally slid from the counter and reached over and turned on the water. it was too hot but he didn't even notice as the steam filled the room. Max's words repeated over and over in his head... "Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself."

Tul had always been positive that his room was monitored. He knew he was followed. Almost two years of constant harassment had made him paranoid enough to spot the shadowy figures. It was the threats in those early days that kept him silent. Max didn't deserve any of this. In his heart, he knew he didn't either. 

Tul wasn't exactly sure why he'd become a target. All he knew was he was one. Max kept telling him it was part of becoming an actor. Tul knew that what happened wasn't normal, even for actors. It was as if his particular stalker knew too many intimate details. They had to be closer than an obsessed fan.

He was right. The night in the Philippines confirmed it. Everything had been okay while he hadn't been with anyone but it changed when he did have a intimate relationship. And it was worse because it was with Max.

The pictures, taken from a hidden camera inside the hotel room, and the written threats to post them, still had the power to make Tul shake. He hadn't even been able to consult with the police or a private detective without that asshole knowing. 

That's when Tul put it all together. There was only one person in his life who had been with him so long, who knew everything about him, who could plan for every eventuality. He had been in protection mode so long, he didn't know how to change it anymore.

He stepped under the shower and screamed as the water scorched his skin. Fuck! Hastily, he stepped out and prayed he didn't burn himself. He added cold water to the mix and as he slid a hand under to check the temp, Max threw open the door.

"What the fuck, Tul?" Max's eyes ran over his body, skin bright red as if he spent hours and hours under the sun. He pressed his hand on Tul's chest which took the main brunt of the shower. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Tul angrily pushed him away. "Leave me the fuck alone." He turned and stepped into the shower and although the water was much cooler, due to the burning patch, it still felt too hot. He gasped and pulled back. 

Max yanked him out. "You dumbass. You need cool water, not warm." Careless of his clothes, Max changed the temperature of the water, grabbed the shower gel and started to clean the dazed Tul. This was dangerous. Too dangerous. "We need to talk, Tully."

"No." Tul's eyes were closed. Words hurt. That phrase would haunt him... 

"I found it. I found the bug. He can't hear us talk with the running water." Max scrubbed Tul's back. He moved to find the shampoo. His hands were gentle as he lathered his hair. "Talk and tell me what's been going on."

Over? If he tells Max, for sure it's going to end... and life can move forward. Oh, how much did he want to move on! Tul collapsed and Max caught him gently. Bubbles flew. "Come on Tul, put down this burden. Aren't you tired from carrying it by yourself? We've only a short window while you shower." 

Not sure if it was Max or the refreshing feeling of the cool water over his heated skin... But Tul finally made up his mind and the words rushed out.

Tul rested his head on Max's chest and sighed. "I've been blackmailed since the Philippines. I'm not sure why they targeted me and not you since both of us are clearly on the video, but they went for me. At first, it was small things. I didn't do it so they started the social media campaign to ruin my reputation. My fans didn't care. The more "gay" I am, the more popular I am."

Nothing held him back, once started. "That pissed the blackmailer off. It was so bad, that he forgot to hide who he was. I was stunned but I had no idea how to handle it. Actually, it turned out that it was all over jealousy. He couldn't understand how I slept with you but had turned him down multiple times."

Tul raised his eyes to meet Max's clear black ones. "Max, why would someone in power abuse me so much?"

Max's hand's stilled as they finished rinsing the soap and shampoo off. "What did you say"

"Our manager, Max. I thought you knew. You said you figured things out. That's why I've not been meeting with him alone."

Pure fury rushed through Max. He'd never had a killing instinct triggered before. It all made sense: how the police were unable to find the perp, how they were able to access a closed set...

Max was even feeding him valuable information. Fuck that! It was good that both of them used the same manager. "Trust baby, trust. A power trip. And he'll pay."

Tul stared up at Max. Anyone who knew Max well, would be running for their lives. Max's eyes were completely black, even the glitter was gone. "I do, but promise me, don't hurt him. He never hurt you."

With a snort, Max dropped a light kiss on Tul's lips. "No violence, I promise. Only payback. Now, let's get you warm and dry. But, before we turn the water off... " Pulling him close, Max kissed with all the emotional roller coaster he'd been on. He felt Tul respond immediately.

"Don't... don't ever say I can't love you again." Max rested his forehead against Tul's. "I've loved you for a long time, in many forms. As my friend, brother and lover. I can't ever imagine living without you in it."

Max raised a finger to his bottom lip. "I also couldn't figure out why my workout buddy suddenly became such a crybaby. I can take care of myself, love." He stripped out of the soaking wet clothes and let them drop. Shamelessly, Tul admired his pure lines. It made Max want to pose but that would lead to sex... 

He closed his eyes blocking out the sight, only to open them to see Tul rearrange his junk. Fuck. He really was shameless. Either he had no clue what he did do to his self control or he was pushing his luck. Max preferred to go with the last option now that he knew about the blackmailer.

He turned on the water. Then, he reached out his hand and pulled Tul close. "You're a fucking tease." He palmed the bulge beneath the tight black boxer briefs and slammed his lips against his, capturing his name before it could leave.

Tul's eyes widened. His heart screamed in delight. Max was the best kisser in the world and he couldn't help grinding against him. His hands skimmed firm back muscles, delighting in the freedom to finally kiss the way he'd wanted. 

Max moved his lips along that sexy jaw, to his ear. "Tully, remember what I said? Will you?" His lips nipped the earlobe. His erection poked Tul's hip and thrust. A gentle but determined reminder.

"Max..." Tul slipped his hand between them and stroked him. Just the way he liked it, not soft or hard, not too fast but with strokes that were smooth and long. Max felt reality blurring as the first stirrings of the orgasm built. "It fucking hurts, the first time." 

His eyes met Max's. That look was back... indescribable, hooded eyes locked on to black, glittery ones. If he wanted to take control, now was the time. Slowly, Max felt his eye lids close and his tongue lick his suddenly dry lips.

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