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Cody's POV

I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the sunlight shining through Owen's dinosaur curtains. Soft snores can be heard next to me and I look to my right. Noah's face is covered by his hair and his mouth is slightly open. He actually looks sweet and not like his usual annoyed expression. I look up and see Owen reading a comic book. 'Psst...Owen!' I whisper. 'Good morning, Cody! Did ya sleep well?' Owen asks me, while putting his comic down. 'Yeah, thanks. What time is it?' I reply, rubbing my eyes. I follow Owen's gaze to the wall and look at the clock next to the door. 10 AM. 'You wanna go get breakfast?' Owen throws away his duvet and jumps out of bed. 'You don't have to ask me twice!' I smile at him and stand up from my mattress. I follow Owen into his kitchen and take a seat on one of the red barstools. 'Pancakes? Waffles? Eggs?' Owen opens a few cupboards and looks at me. 'Oh, uh...I don't mind. Just some bread and butter is fine, too. That's what I usually eat at home, anyways.' I fidget with a loose thread of my yellow pyjama shirt and scan the room. You can see Owen and his family are pretty wealthy. I wish my house looked like theirs. 'What are you thinking about?' Suddenly Owen stands in front of me and gives me a questioning look. 'Oh, uh...nothing. Waffles are fine.' I smile at him and he quickly grabs a carton of waffles and the toaster.
'How many?'
'Uh...one is fine.'
'Ok, c'mon, we're not letting you starve. Let's just start off with two and if you want more, just ask.' Owen puts two waffles in the toaster and whistles some tune I've never heard of. I can see movement in the corner of my eye and I flinch. 'Look, I know I'm not that flattering in the morning but jeez, no need to do me like that.' Noah stands there with his hair pointing all kinds of directions and bags under his eyes. 'Oh, sorry! I..you just scared me! Not because of how you look! I just didn't see you coming.' I awkwardly look at him and scratch my neck. 'Whatevs. The usual, big O.' Noah sits down next to me and Owen places a cup of...well he places a black drink in front of him. 'What's that?' I ask him, pointing at the drink. Noah raises an eyebrow as he looks at me. 'Coffee? C'mon, new kid. You can't tell me you've never had coffee before.' He takes a sip and puts it back on the table. 'Ohhh...well, yeah! Of course I have! Just usually it's way lighter than that.' I chuckle and he lowers his eyebrow again. 'Well, that's because you probably drink your coffee with loads and loads of milk. I drink my coffee black. Dark and bitter like my soul.'
'Ohh, can I try? Pleaseeeeeeeee?'
Noah laughs and slides the mug in my direction. 'Knock yourself out, gap.'

Noah's POV

I watch as Cody takes a sip and his face slowly turns into disgust. He gags and before I know it, he spits it out, all into my.fucking.face. 'Dude, gross!' I exclaim. 'Omg, I'm so sorry! Lemme help you!' Cody quickly gets out of his seat to grab a paper towel and he starts rubbing my face. 'Not....helping!' I mumble, while I grab the towel out of his hands to clean it up on my own. Owen just stands there laughing and taking pictures, while Cody nervously bites his nails. 'I'm sorry! I didn't really like the drink and when it actually makes me gag I just can't hold it in! I'm so sorrrryyyy!' Cody apologises once more. 'It's fine. Just stop talking.' I throw away the paper towel and sigh. 'So, what do you guys wanna do today?' Owen asks, when he finally stops laughing. It stays awfully quiet and I catch Cody staring at me. 'New kid. Whatcha looking at?' My voice startles him and he looks at me with an awkward smile.
'Uh, well...the coffee sorta ruined your white shirt.'
I look down at my white pyjama shirt and let out a frustrated groan. 'Great! Now I'll get an ass beating from my mum cause I ruined a shirt. Thanks, gap.'

Cody's POV

'Hehe....s..sorry.' I frown and poke the waffles Owen made me. 'Big O, do you think I can wash my shirt here before I go home?' Noah asks Owen, as he paces across the room.
'Sure, toss it over.'
I look at Noah and my eyes widen while he takes off his shirt and throws it at Owen. Damn.......No! Shut up. Not damn. You don't like him, you just want to look like him. You're straight. Yes, straight.


uh yeah, i'm alive-
and i updated-
i know this was kinda long and not really that much action but hey, gimme a break
wait no I've already had a way too long break from updating this story
i've been really busy with school and exam weeks and my job
and also, ngl, i just wasn't really in the mood to write
but i'm back!
and i promise at least two updates in the week
i hope you still kinda enjoyed this crappy chapter
if anyone even reads this since this story has been dead for months oops
okay yeah byee 🏃🏻‍♀️

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