Chapter One

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Harry's Pov

'Fucking hell I'm tired of this shit.'  I thought as I ran out of my house.

I ran into a forest, I doged my way out of trees and rocks and anything harming. I saw an opening and took it a place to rest. I ran into the cave, as I did.. I felt something pull me deeper and deeper into the cave. Something was drawing me to it.. Something was pulsing in me to run deeper. So I obeyed. I came to a point where runing seemed offly impossible. As soon as I got through that point I dropped...


I awoke in a strange cell of some sort. What the fuck is going on? I thought. I was just in the cave. Fuck, they must of caught me. Damnit.

"Hey fag. Get up. Time for your trial." A scary voice rang out.


"I said get up!" The voice rang out again. The person grabbed me by my hair and procceded to drag me.

"Help! Help me! Stop, stop it! You're hurtting me. What's going on, I do beileve I can have an explanation about what the hell is going on!" I called out. What the fuck is going on.

"Shut it! You stupid fag, you'll wake the lord. You were caught tresspassing. Tresspassing into hell. Which means the punishment you shall recive is death. Now shut it." The person said.

Lord? Punishment? Death? Really am I getting Punk'd or some shit, cause this is not funny anymore.

As he draged me I thougt of something quick. What makes a person stunned the fastest? A kiss.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt as I quickly pulled him closer. His eyes widened in shock as he seemed paralyzed.

Now's my chance to escape. I ran through a corridor and ran into a door. I quickly but quietly shut the door behind me.

"Who goes there?" I feminine but masculine voice stated.

I was to shock to move, for the fact he was very enchanting. For some reason my 'gay' started to come out and I wanted to jump his bones right then and there.. meOW!

That all stopped when his hand pressed lightly against my throat. A bang on the door caused him to drop the sheets that were around his waist and quickly attempeted to keep the door shut but failed.

I fell ontop of the man, but quickly got off as someone ripped me off and threw me against the wall. It really hurt. The person, whom I kissed, ran at me.

"Enough." The man's voice was cold and the other person stopped short and turned around.

He gasped, probably because the man was naked, and muttered an I'm sorry M'lord.

I started laughing. He's calling him lord. What the actual fuck. Are they high?

"Why the fuck is he calling you a lord?" I laughted more.

"Well peasent, he's calling me lord because I am what you call Satan, The Devil, Lucifer even.. But my name is Louis." The man, Louis, rang out. His voice was hard and cold, but yet soft and inviting.

I real quick stoped laughing. He.. he.. NO! This can't be.. I'm here with.. with EVIL!

"You're, you're.. Lucifer..?

"Yes he is! Now shut it you stupid fag." The person whos name I still don't know said.

"Will you stop it. I'm gay, but that doesn't mean you can harass me. Fuck, as if I don't get enough of it at home." I finially snapped.

"Hey Harry cool it down eh? Sorry about your father but don't take it out on Niall." Louis stated.

"Ho-how do you know my name?" I stuttered.

"Well I know everything my dear. You see my uncle so happenes to be what you call 'God' the creater of life, but to me, he's Simon a jackass whom I love." Louis shared with me.

"Oh.. well uh-can you put on some pants please.. it's kinda awkward with you dick out and about."

I feel in love with the Devil *Larry (Not being continued!)Where stories live. Discover now