Spit it out!

389 11 3

Third person POV

December 20, 2001

Last day of school before winter break, god it feels like the longest day in Daron's life. It was a cloudy afternoon, although warm. Daron was wearing a black beanie, a dark purple sweater with black jeans. Daron's now short hair hid under the beanie, a few strands of hair poking out. On Daron's nails laid black nail polish, freshly painted too. Daron had gotten used to wearing eyeliner on his eyes. It took him a while to gather up courage to wear it at school but Serj and Shavo encouraged him to wear it. Hell, even Serj and Shavo would wear some eyeliner on their eyes to go with Daron's.

It was third period, math class, his buddies weren't in this class with him. Serj was a senior, John and Shavo were also juniors like Daron. Shavo and John shared the same age as Daron, seventeen, while Serj was eighteen. But damn Serj didn't even look eighteen, he looked twenty, in a good way.
He didn't pay attention to what the teacher was saying, his eyes looking out the window, watching people walk through the streets outside his school. Math class was on the first floor of the school and near the entrance of the school. He was looking forward to next period, with Serj and Shavo of course.

4th period rolled around, Daron rushed upstairs to the third floor, excited to see Serj and Shavo, wondering what their plans might be after school. 4th period was English, Daron was surprisingly ahead in English which is why he was put in a senior class. Shavo was in the same boat, hence why he was there. Daron had noticed how much Serj liked English class, he loved writing poems and sharing them with the class. Serj was just an extrovert who loved human interaction and sharing stories with others. He always had girls all over him, swooning as he read his poems. Presentations were part of today's English assignment. Everyone had to read a poem they spent a week working on. Daron was next reading his after this cute blonde was up in front of the class. As she read her poem Daron was an anxious mess, his heart pounding, and his hands shaking. "It's just a poem, it's just a poem, that's all you have to read," he said to himself trying to calm himself down.
"Uh yeah that's it," the blonde girl said looking over at the teacher, she went to go sit down.
"Daron you're up next," the female teacher said, reading off her clipboard. Daron took a quick glance at Serj who was sitting next to him. Serj smiled, giving two thumbs up. Serj was wearing a white t-shirt, black jacket and khaki cargo pants with a chain on it. Shavo had his head down, probably sleeping. Daron anxiously walked past people in their desks and up to the front of the classroom. He was up at the front of the class, his eyes glued to the paper in his hands.
"Um, I walk the streets of Hollywood, nothing but poverty," Daron said in a inside voice, no one could really hear but no one said anything. Daron continued, "How the streets are so glamorous on the surface but it's just a sad reality." His voice was shaking, he could feel everyone's eyes on him, he hated the attention. Daron looked up to see Serj playing with Shavo. Serj was playfully choking Shavo, shaking him in the process. Shavo pretended to scream with no noise coming out, he wailed his arms around. Serj looked over at Daron with a smile. Daron let out a giggle and looked down at his paper now smiling.
"You should have never gone to Hollywood," Daron finished with a small smile on his face. He quickly walked back to his desk and sat down. He put his head down releasing the laugh he was holding in. Good thing the teacher was talking now that everyone had finished their presentations. No one could hear Daron's laughter from the back of the room.
"That was hella cool, I need to write about Hollywood now," Serj nudged Daron's shoulder.
"Thanks," Daron replied, his head poking out from his arms. Serj smiled at him.

"Forest time!," Serj exclaimed, his hands in the air with his car keys in one hand. School had finally ended and students were scattered everywhere around school. They were all reunited, John following along as the other three walked down the street. It was sunny out, although it was December it was around 80 degrees. It was a long day of school, Serj drove to the nearest in n out to order some food. They drove by other teens that were out on the street walking around. They all ate their hamburgers in the car, Serj drinking some sprite as they waited at a stop light. Rob zombie was playing on the radio and the freeway was just a stoplight away. The car ride was silent the whole time, Daron played a few rounds of Tetris on his phone.

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