↻ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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as i was busy scrolling through my phone, i was startled by the sudden call i was receiving. who in their right mind would call me at 2 in the morning? i looked at the caller id and realised it was y/n.

i heard someone confessed to yamaguchi yesterday and he accepted their feelings. i'm guessing that person was you.

you probably phoned me to tell me all the details and what plan you used. i stared at the screen for a little longer until i pressed the accept button.

"hello,tsukki? i'm sorry if
i woke you up." you whispered.

"you didn't, pipsqueak, but why
on earth are you calling me at
this forbidden hour? i could have
woken up my parents, you know. you
could have at least given me a heads
up." i stated with slight anger
evident in my voice.

"ah, i'm sorry, but i was
wondering if you could
meet up with me?"

"right now?"

"yes, right now."

"this better be worth it or i'll make
you regret it. where on earth do
you want to meet up?"

you stood silent for a few seconds before answering

"at the park, by the swings.
can you meet me there in
10 minutes?"

"fine, but if i get caught sneaking
in and out of the house
-you're dead."

"alright, alright. i'll see you
in a bit, tsukki."

with that you had hung up the call. ugh, the things i do for you.

i quietly got out of bed and headed towards my closet. i took a grey hoodie and quickly put it on. i looked around for some spare shoes that i left lying around until i spotted them under my bed. i discreetly got them and put them on. i grabbed my phone and stuffed it inside my hoodie pocket.

i tiptoed to the large window and gently opened it. i put out one leg at a time and landed on the floor with a soft thud.

checking my surroundings, i put on my hood and squeezed my hands into the pocket. lowering my head, i walked away from my house and towards the park.

about my 5 minutes later, i arrived at the park and advanced to the swings. i sat down on the swing, gently rocking my self whilst i was waiting.

2 minutes later, i could hear footsteps approaching and ragged breathing. i glanced up and saw you in front with your hands on your knees, slightly bending over.

"i'm sorry if i kept you waiting for long." you panted

"you didn't. what was it that you wanted to say?"

"did you hear about tadashi getting confessed to?"

"yeah. im guessing you're the one who confessed. well, then, congratulations!" i stated sarcastically.

"you've got yourself a boyfriend. can't believe you decided to bring me all the way out here just to tell me that." i said with a bitter tone.

i got up from the swings and was about to walk away until you grabbed my arm. you pulled me in front you and grabbed both of my hands. i looked at you questioningly before you spoke,

"it wasn't me who confessed. to be honest with you, i never liked tadashi that way. i was only helping out yachi by getting all the information out of you about him. i saw this a win-win situation since i'll be able to hang out with you more and also get information about you. truth be told, i like you, tsukishima kei. i like you."

my mouth was hung open by the time you finished talking. i couldn't believe the words that were coming out your mouth. you liked me?

"listen, i understand if you don't return my feelings. i total-"

i interrupted you by roughly crashing my lips into your yours with great amount of passion. that would have shown how i was feeling about you.

a couple of seconds, i felt you kissing back after processing what had just happened. your hands were wrapped around my neck whilst my hands were around your waist. we broke the kiss and rested our foreheads together.

"you have no idea how happy i was when those words came out of your mouth, y/n. i've been waiting for a long time for this moment,

will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes, i will, kei." and we sealed it off with a kiss.


you have reached the end of the story! i want to thank you for taking your time out of the day to read my story. it means a lot. i hope you have enjoyed the story and i'm sorry if you didn't! other than that i hope you're staying safe, drinking plenty of water and eating. remember that you're beautiful and always loved. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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