↻ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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even though i used me being sick as an excuse, i actually turned out be sick the next day. how fun.

i had been coughing a lot and i had a sore throat. parents went to work and my brother is somewhere that's not here, leaving me all by my self.

as if my day couldn't get any worse, my phone had started to ring. i glanced over at my bedside table and got a hold of my glasses. i put them on and reached out to grab my phone. it seemed as if it was so close yet so far. i stretched out my hand a little a bit more before i got a hold of it.

i pressed on 'answer' without even looking at the caller id and held the phone up to my ear.

"hello?" i groggily said

"tsukki! what happened to you
yesterday? you just left all of a
sudden without even telling us.
you had me worried sick."

it was you. you were worried about me?

"what do you mean? i told you i felt
sick before i left. it's not my fault
you didn't listen. *coughs* you were
too busy snuggling yamaguchi
to care."

"you could have at least sent
me a message! i tried calling
you and messaging you, but
you never answered."

"my phone died."

"really? if your phone died
then how did my messages
go through? why didn't it
tell me that your phone
had been switched off?"

shit. i had been caught in a lie. i just didn't want to talk to you after what i witnessed.

"ugh, whatever. i'm coming
over to your house in 10
minutes. i'll be taking care
of you and whatever reason
it was that you ignored me
yesterday better be good."

"wait y/n, n-"

did you just hang up on me?

i was going to tell you not to come since i can take care of my self but there was no point now. at least i'll be spending more time with you i guess.

i dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs to the living room. i laid down on the couch as i patiently waited for you. i felt my eyes drooping every now and then but i managed to stay awake.

after 10 minutes had swiftly went by, i heard the bell ring throughout the house. i lazily got up from my position and headed towards the door.

i swung open the door and there you stood, holding up a plastic bag with a soft smile on your face. i moved to the side to let you in.

"wow. you're not even gonna greet me?" you sarcastically said.

"oh, sorry, my bad. hello princess, how are you? i hope you're just fine. welcome to my glorious home. i hope you enjoy your stay." i sarcastically spat.

"u-um, just go up to your room, i'll be there in a second." you stuttered with a small blush evident on your cheeks. was it something i said?

"are you telling me what to do in my own house?"

"yes, especially when you're sick, now go."

i clicked my tongue and went up to my room as if i just got scolded by my own mother.

i sat down on my bed and leaned against the wall. i took of my glasses and sat them aside on the bedside table. i closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

it was not long before you decided to wake me up. you gently shook me and whispered my name.

i lied, that must have been my imagination. you smacked me across the face with a pillow. how kind.

i glared at you whilst you innocently looked at me and acted as if nothing had happened.

you handed me a bowl of warm soup with a spoon. "shortcake, i do hope you know that i can't see. i'm not wearing my glasses."

"i'll just feed you then."

"wait no, you don't have to. just hand me my glasses from the table."


"i- please?"

"no, you're sick. just let me do this for you."

you brought the spoon up to my mouth and i reluctantly opened my mouth. you fed me until the bowl was left empty.

"time for your medicine, tsukki." you opened the lid of the bottle and poured out its contents on a different spoon. you held up the spoon to my mouth and i aggressively shook my head. no way in hell was i drinking that.

"c'mon tsukki, you need to take it to get better." i shook my head and crossed my arms like a little child.

"i'll take away all of your stuffed dinosaurs." i glared at you as soon as you said that but i still listened.

after i was given my bitter medicine, i laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. i felt something wet and soft touch my forehead. it was a towel. you put the covers on me and i shuffled around until i was in a comfortable position.

soon, i felt exhausted and drained of energy. i closed my eyes and dreamt. dreamt of you.

happy christmas eve!!

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬||𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐤𝐞𝐢[✓]Where stories live. Discover now