Chapter 13

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When Thomas and I first drafted our home security system program, we named it 'Beana' because Sabrina gave me the idea. 

"I wish I could unlock the front door with my phone," she would say. There were other programs out there that could do that but having the competitive nature I have, I wanted to do it better. 

Project Beana was born. 

Beana, the home security system is more than just a door alarm. It monitored every system in the house, along with the security. It could tell you everything going on in your house by just opening the app. 

Did someone break-in? It will tell you which window was smashed while calling the police. It could tell you how many people were in the home, including the residents. It kept an eye on everything, from the water in your dog's bowl to sending over complete information to the police if there is a break-in. 

Thomas and I are exceptionally proud of the project. Now that it is launching, we are in full workaholic mode. I personally work out any last-minute kinks and bugs. The entire month of October was 14 hours days which leave me exhausted. 

I have an 11 am sales meeting and I decide to go in late instead of my usual crack of dawn. Daisy wakes up while I'm in the shower. She steps boldly into the bathroom, watching me through the glass doors. 

"This might be my best dream yet," she purrs. I turn the water off and grope around for a towel. I dry my face then wrap it around my waist as I step out of the shower. She's wearing one of my t-shirts as a nightshirt and it's enormous on her. 

"Playing hooky?" she says in a hopeful voice. 

"Late meeting. Is Archer awake yet?" I ask, getting my shaving razor out of the medicine cabinet. She hops up on the bathroom counter and beckons me over to her. 

"He woke up in the middle of the night. I think he had a bad dream. So I think he's still out like a light," she says as I stand between her legs and she rakes her fingers through my wet hair. I think we are finally settling into a more secure feeling in our relationship since the Joni incident a month ago. Joni did hit on me while we were having lunch but I politely declined. I couldn't fault Daisy for her jealousy since I would have acted the same way if situations were reversed. 

Perhaps Daisy has finally figured out that not only does she have my full attention, but she's also doing a successful job of keeping me enthralled. It's not the sex, which is mindblowing; it's just her. I can tell her anything and she doesn't judge. She doesn't, however, agree with everything I say either. I used to think that me and Sabrina had complementary personalities and that was the reason why we never fought. While that may be true, there is something to be said for a healthy debate every once in a while. Sabrina's mother used to argue that she let me have my way too much. I don't know since Sabrina always seemed to agree with me. We grew up together so our way of thinking formed together. We were both goal-oriented and driven. Daisy is a more 'stop and smell the roses' kind of girl. The more life throws at me, the more I think Daisy's way of thinking might be a better way to live. 

"Are you going to wear a suit?" Daisy asks, curling her legs around my waist. I give a chuckle. 

"Do you think I should?" I snicker, kissing the tip of her nose. 

"Not if you want to get out the door in a timely fashion," she coos, pulling me in for a kiss. I've kissed her a thousand times since that first time and my heart still pounds. 

"I have to shave," I say in between kisses but not with any real force. Once the entire project is rolled out, I'm taking a month off, dropping Archer at my sister's and renting a cabin in the mountains. A fireplace, a bed, and a very naked Daisy sound like the perfect vacation. 

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