Chapter 2

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Before i started making my way towards my first class, i checked my timetable... Oh joy! Maths... I hate maths.

I never get anything right. You see, i need to listen more during maths but the teacher, Mr. Swaggie is 2die4.. He is gorg!

Hes like 20 and his body is ripped!

I would climb that thing like a tree ;)

... Is that wierd? -ohwell-

I made my way to class, just as i sat down the bell went.. There was one person missing. Jc.. Jc Caylen.

The head of the school Jocks, captain of the footy team, voted for 'sexiest man alive ever to be attended at this school' award. Chicks would literally die for him. Im not all over him like everyone else... Like, every girl is after him.. even a few boys. But my group isnt. We think hes a jerk. Hes just so cocky.

Like you see in those American movies, he goes out with the most popular girl in school.. And yes, he does... Amber, queen bitch.

Shes so bitchy to everyone except my group. Wierd, i know...


Jc finally walks in. I dont like him. Ew!

But you kinda gotta admit, is is quite cute ;)

He sits down in the seat next to me.

"Hey, waddup?"

He smirked.

Hes never spoken to me before..

"Why now?"

"Why now what?"

"Dont play dumb, you never talk to me. So if you didnt hear me correctly, i asked, why now?"

I say a bit louder.

Everyone giggled, i think im the first person to stand up to him.

It was fun :) but he was pissing me off.

"Ease up, i just asked you a friendly question"

"Since when did i become your friend?"

I got up and walked out of the classroom.


Everyone echoed.

"Yo! Shut up you lot!"

Jc yelled.

From outside the classroom, i heard the class fell silent.

Mr. Swaggie appeared at the door.

"You wanna join us Chloe?"

"Nah thanks, im fine, not feeling so good. Think i might go to the office. And go home." I lied. I was fine, and i was gonna go straight home.

"Okay, and by the way... Good job"

He flashed a sexy smile.

"What for..?"

I was curious to know what he was talking about..

"Standing up to Jc, good job"

He smiled again. Then Continued talking.

"Well, you better get going. I should too. Get well"


And with that i turned on my heal and left.

He closed the door behind him as i left the building. The fresh air welcomed me. What a relief.

I forgot my bag. Oh Shit!

I turned around, annoyed that i had to go back into the school. I pulled the door, it wouldnt open.. I tried again. Nothing. Duuhh, i need to read more... The door said push.

"Im a genius" i said to myself.

I pushed the door open. I made my way to my locker. Shit Fuck Crap Balls Dick Ass Lick Ball Shit Fuck!

Jc was waiting at my locker. Im guessing he knew i forgot my bag. I approached him..

*cough cough* i fakely coughed.

He got the message and turned around just like i wanted. There was no way in hell i would let him see my locked pin.

I turned the dial to the correct number. I heard it click unlocked and pulled it open.


I yelled. My bags gone!

"Wheres my bag?!"

I turned around to go run to the office to file a complaint.


*cough cough*

"Looking for something..?"

I turned around to see him swinging my bag, looking around the room and whistling like nothing was happening.

"How did you-"

I started but couldnt be bothered. I snatched my bag from his hands and left the school grounds.

Left right left right left right left..

I was thinking about my walking.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and i had 1 text.

Surprise surprise... Guess who it is...

Jc- hey babe, having fun walking home.. Here, lemme give you a ride. :)

Im not taking no as an answer.

How did he get my number?!

And how did he know i was walking?!


Next thing i know, a car pulled up next to me.. The window rolled down and there appeared a cheeky looking Jc.

"Get in"

"Nah, ill pass"

"Told you, i not taking no as an answer... So, get in"

I gave in, opened the door and slid my body in the car.

We drove in silence.

He pulled up in my driveway..

How did he know where i live?!

Is he a stalker?!

Should i be worried?!

Are the thoughts running through my head.

"How did you know where i live"

I questioned.

"I know everything babe, cya"

He winked and left it at that, driving away.

I smirked to myself and went straight upstairs.


Update soooonn!!

I promise :)

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