Character despcription!
Chloe- 17, fairly tall, long brown hair with red extensions, dark brown eyes, a killer smile.
Jc- JcCaylen-
-Chloes Pov-
Okay, here we go. Just another day if boring highschool. Hi, im Chloe. Just the averge 12th Grader at a stupid school, with stupid people, in a stupid place called Texas.. Wait, Texas isnt stupid, just the people in it.
Yep, see those two big doors over there.. Thats the enterence for hell, a place we call school.
I walk to the steps and slowly, i drag my feet up.
I pull the doors open and enter.
The walls lined with lockers. At this school, probably most schools, as you walk down the hall you have all the groups.
The geeks, the nerds (trust me, theres a difference... Ikr, weird)
, the unpopular, the band group, the choir, the chess players, the sluts, the jocks... And then theres my group. Yep, i got my own group. A group that contains four people. Me, Hannah, Sarah and Penelope, aka, pen.
Ya see, we arent unpopular, but were not popular either... So i guess you could say we're in the middle.
Arkward right...
Okay, im so so so so so so so so sorry this is super short. It was a first chapter right?
Anyways.. Update soon!
Ps. I love you. <3