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When Taehyung kissed you, he felt hot, drunk, and happy.

These feelings were the opposite of what you felt.

"Ugh," you pulled away from the kiss when you couldn't bear the taste of his mouth anymore.

You could literally feel the remnant of his blood on your own lips. It had a metallic taste and it was disgusting.

"Is something wrong?" Taehyung enquired, brows furrowed because of confusion.

He still felt like he was floating in the air. He had never felt something this strong before.

"N-Nothing," you answered, losing the courage to tell him that you hated the taste of blood.

You didn't want to offend him, didn't want him to think that you did not enjoy the kiss.

You did.

And that's what scared you the most.

Where did the two of you stand after this? What did this mean exactly? Did he kiss you because he liked you? Or did he do it just to give into one of his capital vices?

"Are you sure?" Taehyung blurted out, his voice was soft that it made your heart skip a beat.

Why did he have that look on his face? Why was he staring at you as if he wanted to crash his lips against yours again?

"Yeah," your eyes were roaming around, obviously avoiding his hot gaze. "It's getting late. We should head home,"

It was rude to walk away without waiting for his response. You knew this well. But what were you supposed to do when all that was clouding your mind was perplexity?

The ignorant part of you wanted to think that Taehyung was attracted to you, but the rational part of you was saying that only a fool would think that the devil was capable of liking someone.


He was the devil and you shouldn't be fooled.

"Wait—" Taehyung ran after you, his hand immediately found its way to your wrist.

Taehyung swore he could feel the loud beat of your pulse.

"D-Did you not like it?" He whispered, voice so small you were certain he was either afraid or hurt.

"Didn't like what?" You were pretending as though you had no idea what he was talking about.

Taehyung's heart dropped. Judging your answer, he already knew what you felt.

"I was talking about the kiss," it was like he didn't get the hint that you didn't want to talk about it.

"It's fine if you hate it." The laugh he let out was breathy.

You tried to look at his face. He was already staring at you, his golden eyes screamed something you couldn't quite decipher.

"Just..." His grip on your wrist loosened, like he was ready to let you go, which was a clear juxtaposition of what he said after losing contact with your skin.

"Don't avoid me because of it." His smile was sad. "I don't want things to be awkward between us because of a mere peck on the lips."

And there was your answer.

"Right," you smirked before walking away, totally ignoring his groans as he told you to wait for him.

You were walking too fast, like you were doing exactly what he asked you not to do: avoid him.

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