Chapter 1 : Busted

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Mavis' pov

I am just stargazing on top of a random rooftop because I was bored. The night is really beautiful tonight, you can see a lot of stars today meaning that it would be a beautiful day tomorrow.

Just then I heard someone land on a rooftop besides the one I was on. I snapped my head to their direction and when I saw the person, I swung myself up and ran as fast as I could.

'Shit how the hell did he find me?? And why him! Gods, I hate this day'
As I was thinking, I could hear the person behind me, trying to catch me with his scarf, which I briefly dodged. The space between the houses got wider with every jump that I made.

Jumping roof to roof and dodging his scarf, I stopped and needed to climb down fast because the space was too wide for me. When I noticed it took too long, I let go of the street lamp and fell down, helping myself with my quirk midair only for it to get taken away by the persons quirk. I felt a tinge of pain but ignored it while starting to run again.

After running for a bit longer, I stopped and looked up. An abandoned fabric.
Normally I would use my surroundings if I don't have my old katana or gifted sword with me, but what can i do here? Throw rocks at him?

'I hate my life'

I turned around, my chest heaving slightly, and found the man standing in a fighting position.

"Didn't know you would be so eager to fight me, Eraserhead," I said, chuckling a bit while eyeing him.

"Just give up and come with me Reaper. I don't have time for this." Eraserhead demanded while looking at me intensely. His voice bored as always, but this time it sounded a little breathless. He could use some workout. I'm a great teacher.

"How about no? How did you even find me?" I shoved my hands in my pockets and narrowed my eyes on him. Eraserhead and I always played cat and mouse. It started, I think, almost 3 months ago. I could just imagine his annoyance because he couldn't even catch a teenager to save his life.

He ignored my question and took two steps towards me. "What? Can't stand a distant relationship? I heard they aren't that hard." I said with a mocking tone. Looking around myself to try and find a way out of here, I found none. I know I could just run to my left or right but, not going to lie, I'm kind of scared of his scarf. It's like it got possessed by sonic.

I looked back to Eraserhead, only to find him still standing where he was 5 seconds ago.

"What are you waiting for?" I took my hands out of my pockets and held my arms open. "Come to mommy."

I heard sirens not a second later. They were distant, but kept getting louder.

"So you think you can't take me out without any backup, huh?" I let my arms fall down. I like to annoy him.  Either with leaving something behind me before he comes or with my blessed presence. What can I say? I love to annoy people, even though I hate people who annoy me. It makes a lot of fun.

I smirked behind my mask as I saw how irritated his facial expression became. Soon as the police came to an halt, I was surrounded by policemen who were heavily equipped, guns pointed at me. Damn, all this work for a teenager?

I kept my facial expression unaffected, more like one of boredom. As I stared ahead of me in the direction of Eraserhead, I saw a little mouse-man who come from the direction of the cars, which where behind Sleepyman.

Homeboy was using his quirk the whole time and the way his eyes were twitching told me enough to know that he can't hold it for long anymore. "Hello miss, my name is Nezu, I am the principal of UA." He smiled at me while introducing himself.

I just stared at him. Do they think a mouse would help them to get me surrender? I was irritated just by looking at him. He began to talk again. "I think you know that you are in quite a dilemma, but don't be scared, I have something that could get you out of this~" he trailed off while smiling brightly at me. I stifled in my laugh and rose instead an eyebrow.

"Why should I be scared? I did nothing wrong. Actually, I did the job that the pro heroes couldn't do, why should I be punished for that?"

"Indeed, you did quite well with the villains. But it is against the law to use your quirk in public, that's why you are a wanted vigilante."
He complimented me and continued when he saw that I didn't bother to defend myself . "It would be a shame if you went to jail because of it, you have good potential in becoming a hero," His smile never left his face.

I looked at the man besides him that hadn't said anything the whole time, he was rubbing his eyes. "Look, I don't know where you came up with the idea of me being a hero, but I don't want to be one, I just like to kick peoples' ass'." I said while looking at the mouse.

"Haven't you said you did a better job in being a hero than the pro heroes? You could continue with that but then as a real pro hero and with a hero license, you wouldn't be a vigilante and wouldn't be wanted by the police and heroes anymore." he said. It sounded too good to be true. Besides the point that I don't like heroes. I would be off the hook that easily?

Something's off, I don't trust him. "What do you want in return? I doubt that you only want to help me, someone you don't know." I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's quite simple; you have great potential and we don't want to waste it, now do we? It would be a shame if someone like you wouldn't be on the hero's side."

"What do I get from it?" I asked.

"You wouldn't land in jail-"

"That's funny, how do you plan on bringing me to jail? I could just escape right now and you guys wouldn't even be able to stop me." I said. It was true, Sleepyman has a problem with his eyes right now because he used it the whole time, I could just use my quirk and freeze everyone in place and walk away. "If you want me to be a hero, I want something in return."

"What would that be?" He asked.

"I need money."

1153 words

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