1. Fun Gus' Ex-Prisoner

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February 17, 2021

After a few months later, after they defeated Dr. Emilia, the surface became an amazing place! Wolf and Kipo both love each other secretly, and almost anybody could tell about that they're bisexual. Benson and Dave knows that Wolf likes Kipo, but she refused to admit that she loves Kipo.

Kipo was sad that Dr. Emilia became Fun Gus' prisoner, Kipo wanted her to become a part of H.M.U.(F.)F.A..

So Kipo, Wolf, Benson, Troy, her parents and the rest of her friends went to Timbercat Village to make a meeting so that they can all save Dr. Emilia from Fun Gus. Kipo invited the Umlaut Snäkes with her.

8:00 P.M.

Kipo started the meeting. The Umlaut Snäkes came, even Camille, like Kipo wanted.

"Hello! Welcome to this meeting of H.M.U.(F.)F.A.! So we will save Dr. Emilia from Fun Gus. Fun Gus is a mute fungus. He is at my old parents' apartment," Kipo said. Then, Kipo told everybody at Timbercat Village her plan. Everybody agreed!

One hour later, everybody went to sleep.

February 18, 2021 9:30 A.M. (The next day,)

Everybody at Timbercat Village got ready to defeat Fun Gus. Molly got Hugo's glass cage, and Cotton got a ball of yarn. Kipo reminded everybody her plan. Wolf on the other hand, blushed while looking at Kipo.

"OOoooooO" Dave whispered.

Wolf whispered embarrass-ly, "Hey! Cut it out!"

Dave and Benson couldn't believe that Wolf refused to admit that she likes Kipo.

10:29 A.M.

Everybody was at the apartment. Fun Gus was still sleeping, and Emilia was angry, with her dirty makeup.

"There she is!" Kipo whispered to everybody.

Kipo grew jaguar ears, eyes, and arms. Wolf on the other hand got her weapon. Dave went from "Dave" to "Super Dave". Benson and Troy were just waiting till' everybody defeated Emilia.

While everybody was tip-toying in front of Fun Gus, Fun Gus got really mad and went to full rage Fun Gus. Everybody ran away to get Emilia inside Hugo's box, and Cotton quickly tried to wrap  Fun Gus inside the yarn. But Fun Gus yelled, "HEY!". Wolf distracted Fun Gus by moving from place to place. The rest of the people and mutes ran from Fun Gus, while Wolf was doing it too.

Fun Gus was still raging, but the people and mutes got over it.

Back at Timbercat Village,  everybody sighed at relief. Kipo hugged Wolf and proudly said, "We did it!".

The Umlaut Snäkes got out from Timbercat Village. (That was Kipo's plan!)

The Timbercats put Dr. Emilia where Hugo's spot was at with the glass cage. Kipo and Wolf went to the glass cage to talk.

"Why did you save me, after all the things I did to you?" Emilia said.

"Because I want you to become a part of H.M.U.(F.)F.A.." Kipo replied.

"Yep" Wolf agreed.

Kipo talked to Molly. "Feed Dr. Emilia after 1 or 2 hours," Kipo said to Molly. Molly agreed to what Kipo said.

When Kipo and her friends were getting out of Timbercat Village, Lio and Song made an agreement. Lio and Song planned that Kipo and her friends will live in their own home, and they can go with them too. Kipo's parents and Kipo shared the agreement, and Kipo agreed!

Writing time: 57 minutes

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