Free at Last

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As my hands were up in the air and I was screaming from freedom, I looked at the road and saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. I couldn't swerve in time and hit him. I didnt have my seat belt on so me along with Damon's car went flying.

I had passed out for probably about 5 minutes then I woke up, I looked over and saw that it was Damon standing in the road.

"Seriously?! Look what you've done to your car now! I bet you wish that I had only put a hole in the dash and not in your gas tank, you car door, the windshield, and then probably a few tires-"

"Ugh shut upp." He groaned, popping his shoulder back in place and then cracked his neck.

"Good lord, ever heard the term 'keep your eyes on the road'? It really helps you, ya know, not kill people." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! You may be strong but I have more knowledge about this stuff then you have. If you want to be free with your humanity off, so be it. But let me help you do it correctly, we can feed every hour, but in a good manner." He commented.

"God you sound like Stefan. At this point I might as well pull and Klaus mikaelson on Jeremy and me and Elena can go have fun!" I said getting excited.

"Do not kill Jeremy." He snorted.

"Why? You telling me not to sure makes me want to do it." I walked towards him and walked my fingers up his chest.

"You know me better then anyone, Dammy. Whenever you tell me no, I push until I get a yes. Whenever you say I cant have it, I'll push until I get it. Whenever you say I cant do something, I'll do it." My face inched closer to his every time I paused.

"Listen, Cartie. We need to establish some ground rules." I backed up and stomped my foot, cracking the concrete beneath me. Damon raised on eyebrow at me and I winked.

"You always ruin the fun, Dammy." I said as I turned around and walked towards the car that was on fire and grabbed my phone.

"I feel bad for Kai, with you and you humanity off he'll be hurting every day. With you two linked and all."

"Yeah, how did that happen?"

"Well, I'm assuming you guys drank from each other within the first 24 hours of turning?"

"Ahhh, see? You know me so well."

"Ok so it's really confusing, me and Bon Bon were talking about this after you called me the other morning. We are thinking you guys linked each other when you both drank from another."

"Ahh. Doosy. After that crash, he must be hurting." I chuckled.

"But why did he heal faster then me? My arm should have healed before his shoulder because it happened before."

"Dont know Cartie. But we need to figure out how to unlink you two so you dont accidentally kill him- and vice versa."

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you care so damn much about him? You are both my exes, you are supposed to he fighting to the death for my hand in marriage! Not protecting one another."

"It doesn't matter, Cartie."

"Oh come on, Dammy! Just tell me."

"Because I know when you turn it back on you'll still regret everything you said, and if hes dead itll be bad for you because you'll do all of this again."

"Ok hold on. One, who says I'm turning my humanity back on? Two, even if I did, I don't want him back. I dropped him just like I intended to, and that's that!"

"Sure Cartie."

"What's your deal?"

"I saw the way you looked at him, Carter. Even an idiot could tell you loved him and that he loved you. I may be your ex but I still care about you and your feelings, I still want you to be safe and happy even if it's not with me. It's better than not getting to see you happy."

Always With Him - KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now