5 / Y/n / The Date

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I awake in the hospital for what feels like the millionth time. But this time, I don't care. Becuase I'm just grateful to be alive.

I sat up, touching my neck again. A little sore, but I knew I would be okay. It felt like I'd only hurt the wound on the inside of my throat. Which would explain all of the tubes sticking out of me.


I was released fairly quickly and was back at Mark and Amy's place before I knew it. They embraced me the second I was out, glad to have me back. I wrapped my arms around them both, so grateful for their kindness. As we pulled apart, I quickly wiped away tears of happiness, jumping in the back of the car. I was surprised to find a gentleman I didn't recognize in the back seats already. I gave him a small shy wave to which he smiled brightly.

"Hi, I'm Ethan," he introduced, holding his hand out to me. I took it, giving it a small shake. His smile was radiant, making his blue eyes look like sparkling oceans. I had always found blue eyes so calming.

Mark and Amy load into the car, quickly introducing me. "This is Y/n. She's mute." Surprise flashes through Ethan's eyes. "Oh."

Quickly, he bursts into an apology in sign. A smile spreads on my face as I realize that I now had another friend who could actually read my signs.

I quickly sign in response. 'It's fine. I'm only recently mute due to throat complications. I can still hear.'

He nods in understanding. "Is it okay if I just talk normally for a little? My signing is super rusty since I haven't signed in years." He looks like he feels awful for asking. I smile, shaking my head and waving him off.

"Thanks. I'll brush up on some more so I can get better. It's just been so long. I'm much better at reading it than using it," he laughs nervously. I smile again. 'It's really no problem. Your voice is nice, so that makes up for it.' I give him a wink as I finish signing. He chuckles, cheeks pink.

"Alright love birds, let's get going! We are gonna pick up some lunch on the way and then head back to our place. Eth is staying to record some videos with me and then we were all gonna watch some movies after that. Sound good?" I smile gratefully at him in the rearview mirror. He looks up, smiling back.

I tap Amy on the shoulder as I lean in between her and Mark's seats so she can see my hands. 'So? Any new tea since my being hospitalized?'

She laughs, turning to face me. "Oh, definitely!"

After a short ride talking about all the things I'd missed in the TV shows we watch together and picking up food, we finally make it back to the house. Everyone files in and Ethan takes the bag of food from me, passing it out to everyone. As he hands me my box, I sign a quick 'thank you' before taking it. He smiles at me and I start to really like his smile. His eyes sparkle with glee.

Amy and I get back to where we left off in our TV shows as the boys head upstairs to start recording. Every now and then we hear them burst out laughing, and a small fluttering fills my chest at the sound. It's light, and it makes me want to know what they're laughing about so I can laugh too. Unfortunately, the possibility of laughing ever again in my life was very short.

After a little while, Amy turns to me. "So. You wanna go dress up and blow their minds when they get done recording?" A grin spreads across my face and I nod vigorously. She grins back and we rush upstairs to Amy's room as we start finding the most gorgeous outfits and setting out makeup.

We joke around as we paint each others faces and try on dresses and for the first time in such a long time, I feel I have real friends and it makes me feel so normal. A feeling I hadn't felt since my family was still alive. It feels so nice to be welcomed into a group as amazing as Mark's. I couldn't be happier to be a part of it. Suddenly, I start crying, and Amy stops in alarm. "Y/n, are you alright?"

I smile through the tears, nodding. 'It just feels so nice to be welcomed so warmly by you and Mark and your friends. Thank you. I feel so normal.'

"Aw, no, we love having you. You're great, how could we not welcome you? You are normal, Y/n. I know things are crazy right now, but everything will be okay. I know that for a fact." She sits next to me, wiping my tears and wrapping her arms around me. I hug her back tightly. After we part, she smiles at me again.

"Now, let's go give those boys a show, huh?" I give a breathy "laugh" and we stand to fix my makeup and get dressed.

(Amy's look)

(Amy's look)

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(Your look)

I wasn't sure why, but the green screamed for me to pick it

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I wasn't sure why, but the green screamed for me to pick it. Naturally, how could I not?

Amy handed me a tall, silver diamond-bejeweled choker to cover my scar. I smile gratefully.

Just as we were finishing our makeup, we heard the boys come out of the recording room and go downstairs. We smiled at each other and descended the stairs soon after.

As we made it to the bottom of the steps, we heard the guys in the kitchen. We quickly cornered them there, both walking in through the door.

"There you are Ames-" Mark cut himself off as his eyes landed on us. They quickly scanned her body up and down before a grin spread out on his face. Ethan curiously shut the fridge, looking up to find us in the kitchen entrance. His mouth drops as he sees us and he quickly makes eye contact with me. I smile at him, tilting my head. His cheeks look like they are on fire and one thought goes through my head: Mission accomplished.

"Ethan, I propose we take these lovely ladies for a fancy dinner instead of a home movie. What do you ladies think?" He instantly moves toward Amy, catching her waist. She giggles at him, turning to me for an answer. I smile and she nods at him. Ethan timidly approaches me. I let him speak first; a power move I learned from my late older sister.

As predicted, Ethan stuttered out a "Wow, you look good," after a moment. I continued my silence, smiling at him. Not that I could break the silence anyhow.

He looked bashful. "Let's go get dressed and then we'll find a place to dine. Eth," Mark called, beckoning him up the stairs. Ethan took a few steps away from me without breaking eye contact before he turned and dashed up the stairs after the older male.

Amy laughed, turning to me. "You left Ethan speechless," she points out. I grin, quickly signing, 'Mark is a simp.' Of course, I had to spell out simp because we didn't really have a sign for it, but she got the idea. She laughed again.

Her Scar | Jacksepticeye/Antisepticeye X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now