7 / Y/n / The Introductions

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A knock on my door woke me from my fitful slumber. I stretch my achey joints, getting up to answer the door.

"Hey N/n, we have some friends over that I'd like you to meet. They are the ones going with Amy and me to PAX. I figured you could meet the rest of our team before we have to leave tomorrow. How's that sound?"

'That's fine. Let me get changed real fast.' He nodded. "Just meet us in the living room when you're ready and we will do introductions. Neither of them know sign language so who do you want to translate? Ethan is here, so he's an option." I shrug. Then, making up my mind, smile. 'Amy.' He nods once more, heading down the hall to the living room.

I quickly change into a casual outfit, something to meet new people.

I move into the living room, giving a small wave to the new faces

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I move into the living room, giving a small wave to the new faces. I see a dark-haired woman with glasses and a tall man with a beanie that I don't recognize. They both send me friendly smiles. Mark jumps to introduce everyone. "Guys, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Kathryn," he gestures to the woman with glasses, "and that's Tyler," the man across the room. I smile at them both respectively.

Kathryn, who sits on a chair next to where I stand, holds a hand out to me politely. I shake it, smiling at her still. When I look up, Tyler stalks toward me. Suddenly, I feel small and intimidation creeps in. He holds a large hand out to me and I'm tempted to shrink away, but out of politeness, I gently take his hand and give it a small shake. He smiles after and I feel a little better.

"You're scaring her, Stoneface!" Amy shouts. I shrink away at this. He laughs lightly and the intimidation starts to ease away. "I wasn't trying to scare her," he says, turning his eyes off of Amy and toward me. "Sorry." I wave him off a little, trying to tell him it's fine, but I have trouble looking him in the eyes. When I do look up and finally catch his eyes, it takes me a moment to look away.

They're a deep blue that also kind of scares me, but they are still very calming.

"So, since you guys don't know sign language, I figured Ames could translate today. You cool with that?" Mark announces, turning to Amy. She smiles and nods. I quickly cross the room and sit in the seat next to her. Tyler chuckles again and returns to where he was standing, just next to Ethan who is sitting to my left.

I sit in the corner seat, Amy then Mark on my right with Kathryn across the room from Ethan and Tyler. The conversations between the group seem to flow so easily and I find myself feeling a little out of place as I watch them all talk. Thankfully, someone seemed to notice how out of place I felt.

"Tyler and Kathryn. Chill, right?" I nod to the brunette, grateful for him starting a conversation with me.

"So, Y/n, tell us a bit about yourself," Kathryn invites from across the room. I shrink, and look away shyly. 'I'm kind of boring.'

"You're not boring!" Amy quickly and loudly protests. I smile at her strong disagreement. 'I guess I like cooking. And watching TV. I like writing too.' Amy repeats my words to them and Tyler quickly perks up. "Nice! I write a few short stories myself! What's your favorite genre to write?"

I smile. 'Horror. Thriller. Mystery.' Confusion paints Amy's face and Mark quickly jumps in to help. Amy has basic enough knowledge of signs. Thankfully, Mark is excellent at reading them. He translates for everyone.

"Same! Writing Mystery is so much fun," Tyler agrees. Kathryn jumps in, "You like cooking?" I nod to her. After that, conversation seems to flow much easier, and they all start to work me into the conversation every now and again. I make sure to send Ethan grateful glances every now and then. He smiles back.


'I'll be fine, stop worrying so much. I'm probably gonna watch TV and eat food all day. Go and have fun,' I urge them, pushing Mark and Amy from the house. Mark is like an overprotective brother. His eyes are worried as he asks, "You sure? I can still cancel-" I wave my hand at him while shaking my head and give him one last shove out the door.

'Go. Have fun.' He finally gives up.

"Fine. But give me one last hug. And promise me you'll text immediately if you need anything." I roll my eyes at him, wrapping my arms around his midsection and pulling him close. He pulls me in too before letting me go.

'I promise,' I sign before waving my phone at him. Finally, I close the door in his face and he leaves to get in the car with Amy, Ethan, Tyler and Kathryn.

I waltz back into the house and rush to my room. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and a revealing but comfortable tanktop to start my movie marathon. I turn on the TV and rush into the kitchen to prepare snacks. Finally! Me time!

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