4 / Seán / The Realization

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I wake with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Anti seems proud of himself, but for what, I'm not sure. He can't get ahold of Y/n while I'm in Brighton and she's in America.

My stomach churns and I feel sick at the thought. Anti, what did you do?

You know what I did. You can feel it, can't you? She's gone. I got her.

No. I refuse to believe that! We are still here in Brighton, and she is safe with Mark!

Then go ahead and tell me what that feeling you've got is. It's guilt. You feel it every time I've ended a life. Because your subconscious knows what I've done and even though you don't want to admit what I've done, you know. She's dead, Seán. And it's all your fault.

No! No! She's alive, she has to be.

I jump for my phone, dialing Mark's number so fast I had to correct it three times. After several rings, he picks up. "Seán, buddy, hey." His voice is grim. God, no. How did he get to her? How?

"Mark. Is everything alright?"

"No. Y/n, she's... she's in the hospital. I don't know if she's gonna make it." I can hear his voice crack.

"No, she has to make it. She has to."

He's silent and it takes me a minute to hear the weeping in the background. "Mark? She's gonna be okay. She will be okay."

No she won't. She was bleeding out for hours by the time they found her. She's going to die. They can't save her.

I feel my heart clench. No, she has to survive this. Anti can't have her. Come on, Y/n, you survived this bastard once, don't let him take you down. Show him what the human spirit can do. Don't die.

Tough words coming from a you. You couldn't save any of your fans from me, why do you think this random woman is going to make it?

She survived you once already. She's the only person who ever has. If she lives, she sets a precedent. She has to live.

But she won't. Not twice. I've got her, accept it. You can't save her and neither can those doctors. You lost.

No. I grip the phone like a vice, sadness washing through me. She can't die like this. Come on, you've gotta be stronger than this. Stronger than Anti.

"Seán, are you still there?"

"Mark? Yes, I'm still here." I swallow down my anxiety.

"I'll call you when I have an update." His voice is empty but strong. He wants to sound like he knows she'll make it but he doesn't, so he can't.

"Yeah. I'll be waiting by the phone," was all I could say. And so I did. I waited by the phone until his name flashed on the screen.

Amd when it finally did, I picked it up so fast, it took me a moment to realize anything happened at all. I quickly shushed Anti, who was grinning proudly. "So?"

"Seán," his voice is full of emotion. "She made it." That was all I had to hear to let out a large sigh of relief, all the unease from before exiting my body with the air. She made it.

He sniffles. "She's stable for now. The doctors say she will be alright. But that she won't be able to have visitors until tomorrow."

"That's good. Mark, take a deep breath. That means she is going to be okay," I console him. He takes a shaky breath.

"I didn't know if I could be strong for Amy, Seán. I was barely holding myself together and poor Amy was a mess. But she's going to be okay. They said she should make a recovery within the week. I'm just so relieved." I believed him. I could hear it in his voice.

"Everything will be okay now. She's going to recover."

"Yeah." There's a beat of silence. "Okay, Seán, I'm gonna go take Amy home, I'll call you tomorrow. We both need sleep since we've been in the waiting room all day."

"Alright, Mark, take care. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

As I hang up the phone, I glare at Anti. To most, it would look like I was glaring into thin air. But I could see him and I could hear him. Thankfully, he was pretty much harmless unless he was possessing my body. I was pretty good at keeping him out during my waking hours. It was the one ones I slept that I worried about.

He had only possessed my body while I was awake a few times and they had all been horrifying. I could see, hear and feel everything. I would never let it happen again.

"What did you do to her, Anti? How did you get her while she was in America?" I shot the question at him, anger radiating through my body with such force that my curled fists shook.

He grinned evilly. You remember that little video call with your precious Markimoo? I sent her a piece of my essence. It's buried in her mind. Corrupting her, torturing her. I started off with nightmares, much like the ones I gave you. But then she had a violent flashback and I used it to wedge through some of her mental barriers. I took control of her mind and used it against her. Before I knew it, she was practically seizing.

Horror filled me. I didn't know he could any of those things.

Guess what, Seán? I'm adapting. I'm gaining new abilities. And pretty soon, I'll be strong enough to possess you whenever I want and you'll have no say in the matter. His grin widened more and I realized that I had underestimated his powers, and that this girl may suffer for it. That her slow and painful death truly would be on my hands if I didn't stop him fast enough.

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