three. basil vs. breakfast

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       Basil was not an early riser, not at all

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Basil was not an early riser, not at all. It was wildly evident from a first glance at morning-Basil that she would bitch-slap anyone who woke her up, and she most definitely didn't want to be woken up by Briony, who was clad in all yellow, her blonde hair cascading down her back in a fishtail braid.

"Rise and shine, Basil!" She sang, ripping the curtains of her room open. She whistled some song ( Basil didn't recognize it at all, and, frankly, she didn't care ), gingerly pulling off the blankets Basil wrapped herself in. She let out a loud groan, tossing her pillow over her face.

Briony sighed, snatching the pillow off her head faster than Basil could say Briony-totally-sucks. "Come on, Basil, dear, the day is young!" She rolled her eyes, nuzzling her face into her sheets. "Isn't it the night is young?" She mumbled, her hair disheveled, a single strand curled at the top. "Well, can't it be both?" Briony beamed, placing a hand on Basil's shoulder while she pushed herself up, her grey sheets tangled in between her fingers.

"Not really," she muttered, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. Briony's plastic smile suddenly became a scowl, before she sighed, a somehow even larger and faker smile growing on her lips. "Your father wants you to come to breakfast." She scoffed, tossing herself against the wall. "Yeah, good luck with that."

"Basil, honey, I think making friends would be good for you! It's not like you have ... many, anyways," Briony smiled, her voice dripping with condescending asshole-ness ( so what if that's not a word? Basil doesn't give a fuck ). "I get this talk everyday from Lupin, I don't need to hear it again," she seethed, picking at the skin around her nails. Briony's face immediately clouded over at the mention of Lupin, her gaze becoming distant, before she exhaled loudly, sliding into the empty space next to Basil.

"I think you'd really get along with Ron, darling," Briony cajoled, rubbing her shoulder. That absolute ass, she thought, looking the other way. Maybe Basil was a tad bit dramatic, but Briony Thomas was pure evil and no one could tell her otherwise. If Basil was made with a steel heart and fire for blood, Briony was handcrafted by Satan herself, and most definitely had brunch with Voldemort every weekend.

          "I don't like him, Briony, he was a complete dick at dinner!" She protested with a huff, and she could swear a smug, evil, comic book villain smile flashed on Briony's fake face. "I think you gave him a rough time, dearie." Her face wrinkled in disgust at the pet name, before she leapt off her bed. "I'll see you at breakfast, Basil, no protesting."

She groaned, heading over to her closet. "I'll get dressed first, but I'm not going to be nice." Briony mumbled something that she couldn't make out, before she plastered a fake smile on her face again, and heading out of the room, closing the door with a slam!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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