A new legendary item

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After the door opened I looked around, I was the only one in the room. "Hey, is there anyone here?" I asked raising my voice a bit.

Then a gust of wind came, it blew off my cloak I was wearing. A booming voice speaks, "who dares to enter my room." I looked at where the voice was coming from, a big phoenix landed, which made me jump a little. "A little dog has entered, hm."

*Just after the bright light*

Sinbad's POV

When the door opened, there was nothing but a wall, I heard a thump. I see Min on the ground, "hey, wake up," I say while crouching down.

I touch her face a bit, it scrunches up, then a light appears in one of her hands. She woke up, "ow, that hurts."

Back with Jaden

I growled at the big bird, " did you just call me a dog?" I calm myself so I don't lash out.

"Hahaha, then what are you surely you're not a fox." I look around the room, and it looks like a giant bird cage.

I ask, "where am I, and where are the others." More like demanded answers.

Took what felt like a few hours I finally wo- "ow, that hurts," being thrown back, I opened my eyes, "huh, where's the bird?" Feeling something in my hands, trying to sit up but fell backwards with the lack of strength from fighting.

"Hey, Min what happened?" Sinbad had asked with a look of concern, then I black out.

I woke up what perhaps was a few minutes, I felt small hands poking my face. I opened my eyes and see my twins.

A young male's voice speaks, "ah- Mrs. Loup, you're awake, would you like something to eat?"

I move both of the kids off me, "yes, and what-"

He interrupts me, "you cleared the dungeon then passed out. I'll go tell Sin that you're up." Then he left, I sat up and Jade looked like he wanted to ask something.

"Momma, c-can you braid my hair again," I looked at him for a few seconds trying not to gush over how cute he is trying to speak.

"Sure, what about you Layon?" I grab a band from my bag, when I knocked something over while pulling my bag up. It made noise, looking at what fell it was a legendary item, I heard about. It looked like a guitar, but then it changed to different instruments. The door opened, Sinbad came in and looked around, the item stopped. It looked like a piano but smaller?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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