From Us

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"-From Us"

The man said,
I don't care if you're occupied,
Do as I said.
Let yourself drift away---even for a second.
Temptingly, my bed beckoned.
I wonder if he does it on purpose?
Taunt me to postpone my arrival.
I am a 15 year old girl, of Mexican descent,
And born in California.
Basic, right? ---I feel like California is the most basic state
In all the United States. Would someone in Alabama,
Kansas, or Wyoming think that about their state?
I would ask someone residing there, but
Unfortunately I don't know much.
I haven't traveled very far.
I've been there and over there, then here, Again.
To this place I wouldn't be if I had the choice.
Three doors; school gate, glass door, room door
My room? No...course not. Theirs too... what's mine is obviously not
My own, you know.
This jungle is different--- tired. Crowded nonetheless, moreso
These days---but still empty.
Change is a demand no one is demanding---properly at least.
The dog's leash is a tight one yet the cat's collar is untethered.
Why is this?
When did I imply I don't want some more room?
Is it because I'm insecure? Am I doing it to myself? Or is it the universe
Plotting against me? ---as if the world did not have better things to do.
Misconceptions---redirections. A fifteen year old girl should have her own room.
She should feel happy. She shouldn't be deprived of human
Necessities in the state of adolescence-- Insomnia is mean.
Too young for this--Too old for that.
It's been seconds for you, decades for me--lies! Longer...
Surrounded in an empty place, made by my own mind.
A dream I'd like, but cannot find.
I think plenty of thoughts--- time wasters mostly.
The presence is nuisance enough, boy do they pick a time.
Annoyed at everything--classic teenager right?
I'm sure there's someone my age who is actually happy.
Biologically, we are dying every day--except we choose to call it "aging".
Mentally too, but we have no word for that though.
Lack of energy can ruin such a good time.
But it does not matter I guess.
Have you ever realized how insignificant we really are?
The world is so much bigger than
Anything and everything we have deemed
So something as tangible as feelings must not matter.

Dear, Mr. Sandman
please bring me a dream...

(Inspired by the poem Theme for English)

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