You win a game

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The grunting male sits next to you with a painted frown on his face. Smashing the button repeatedly you can tell he was trying hard to win.

"Sometimes I can stand you," Luke mumbled.

Without even breaking a sweat you sit there, holding the controller with one hand. Your other hand was stuffing your face with food while you chewed loudly.

"Sounds like loser talk." You shrugged.

"Y/n can you at least go easy on me."

Playing a one v one with your boyfriend. Unfortunately you just so happen to be good at the game. You're going to take chances to lose against someone who plays games for a living.

"No, besides don't you do this as a job?"

"Yeah and I never said I was good at what I do!" Brock cried, slamming his hand on his desk when he does again.

"Sucks to suck, Moo."

"I don't understand how you are doing this."

"Doing what?" You questioned.

The both of you were playing on a online game that he told you about this morning. You didn't know that you would be naturally good at it. Especially considering that you are just smashing buttons.

"That, you just killed the enemy team!" He expressed his admiration, while his mouth was hang as low as grass.

"Yeah, just be happy I'm going to win his game for you."

"Am I crazy, or did you just kill me again?"

Your boyfriend hears you crazy laugh next to him as you sit at the computer. After a long day of shit talking form him you decided that you were finally going to play him one v one in a game. Unfortunately he didn't know that you were actually good at it.

"What's up, we're is trash talk now?" You asked cocky, hitting Anythony's arm.

"I'm not drunk enough for this."

Sorry for the wait, I've been studying a whole bunch for graduation! I'm also learning Japanese!

Anyway read my one shot book.. and that's all I have to say!


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