Chapter 1

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“ I can’t believe you’re doing this to me!”

 “ Calm down honey.”

" Not only did you move me away from my friends but all the way to England! It's like you're trying to ruin my life!"

" Samantha I'm sure you're going to find lots of new friends just calm down."

"Fine. Whatever"

Ugh. I can't believe we've moved out of the country. Usually we would just move to a different state but once my mom got a "great" new job offer in England she packed our bags and well here we are. The worst part about it is that a new place equals a new school and I'm terrible in front of strangers especially if we don't have the same accent.

" Here we are Chargen Highschool." My mom says

"Or shall I say day 1 of Samantha Hart having no life.' I murmured. Apparently my mom didn't like that joke because she started going on and on about how I should be grateful for me being accepted right before their summer break was over. 

" I understand mother I'll see you after school." I said and ran out the car into the highschool

" Have a nice day honey. Make new friends!" My mom screamed.

" Will do." I said before she drove off.

Once I walked in the school was so huge I didn't even know where my classes were. I didn't even bother going on a whole search for them, I just missed my old school and my friends, I wanted to go back home.

" Room 314, Room 314." I mumbled to myself while looking around.

" Do you need help?" A pretty brunette asked.

" Yes actually, do you know where room 314 is?" After asking that question she looked at me as if i was crazy.

" Is there no Room 314?" She just started laughing. Man is this school weird.

" No, no no I'm sorry it's just not a lot of Americans go here so your accent is pretty new to hear. Anyways my name's Jennifer, what's yours." She said still chuckling every now and then.

" My name's Samantha. Samantha Hart." I said hoping she didn't laugh at my accent again.

" Well Samantha Hart you do realize that it's lunch time right?" She says pointing to the clock that says 12:05 

"Oh, I guess I didn't realize." I said

" Come sit by me and my friend Rhea, it'll be fun." Jennifer says.

" Thanks because it would suck being American and sitting by myself at lunch." I said in a much happier mood than two minutes ago.

Once we got into the lunch line I noticed a cute boy with these amazing emerald eyes staring at me very weirdly.

" Who's he?'

"That's Harry Styles. He's one of the most popular boys in school and it looks like he's taken an interest in you." She said winking at me. 

" Do people ever say you're crazy?" I said

" All the time." Jennifer said and laughed.

As we were making our way to the lunch table I bumped into a large figure and fell to the ground.

" Are you okay love?"

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