Kiari X reader (bad girl)

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You got a note in your locker saying to meet Kiari, the president of the student council in her office after class today. You grabbed your belongings out of your locker and headed to her office. You wondered to yourself if you were in some type of trouble because today in class you had a test and you and friend cheated, but you're pretty sure you got away with it. Once you got to her office you knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to open the door, moments later Sayaka opened the door for you and walked you to kiaris desk in the back of the room. "Ok Sayaka you may leave now." Kiari said looking into her laptop. "Ok madam president." Sayaka said, walking out of the office. You stood there for a minute while Kiari was typing into her laptop, she looked very serious which made you even more nervous. "So y/n do you wanna explain yourself or should I get straight to the point.'' Kiari said looking up from her laptop to look at you. "Wh- what d- what do you mean?" you said stuttering looking down at your feet avoiding eye contact. "Ok I guess I'll get straight to the point then. Kiari said, shutting her computer. She stood up from her desk and stood next to you infront of her desk. She pushed you on top of her desk and stared deep into your eyes and said, "under no circumstances should you be cheating on a test y/n." "what- how- how did you know i cheated." you said looking to the side avoiding eye contact again. Kiari laughed, "please darling i know everything." she put her hand on her check and pushed your face to face hers, she climbed on top of you putting her knee in between your legs and got closer to your face. "And don't you ever look away from me do you understand y/n'' Kiari said whispering in your ear. "Y- yes madam president." you stuttered looking up at her. "Mmm what should i do with you y/n i cant just have naughty girls roaming around in my school." Kiari said, still staring into your eyes. "I- im sorry." you responded. Kiari laughed "Oh trust me after this you'll be very sorry." Kiari said wrapping her hand around your neck and applying a little pressure. She stared in your eyes and smiled "trust me after this y/n you won't do anything bad in my school again." she moved her hand from your neck and slowly undated your top revealing your lace bra. "Pre-president wha-" "shh no talking." Kiari said, interrupting you. She stared at your chest and slowly started taking off your bra. She hovered over your face getting closer and closer and kissed you on your lips causing you to blush. She got down from on top of you and flipped up your skirt, she slowly pulled down your panties reveling your wet vagina. "Oh so I see your already wet for me y/n." Kiari said teasing you. As she got closer and closer to your body you could feel her breath getting closer, she starting kissing on your things and lick all around in between your legs. On her knees she slowly started to lick your clit which cause you to arch your back. "Stay still." She said to you. You covered you me mouth trying not to make any noise but after a while moans kept escaping your mouth. You could feel yourself about to reach your climax and Kiari could see that to. "Uh uh not just yet." Kiari stoped licking you and entered to fingers inside of you, you moaned removing your hand from your mouth and gripping on to the desk. She moved to fingers back and forth inside of you, as she went deeper and deeper. Once again you could feel yourself about to reach your climax, but instead of stopping Kiari started licking your clit and moving her fingers faster and faster inside of you she looked up to you into your eyes. "Ki- Kiari- I- I'm gonna cu-" before you could finish your sentence you cummed all of Kiaris fingers. She got on top of you and put her fingers in your mouth allowing you to taste yourself. "Now get out of my office."

Hope you enjoyed lol😭😭

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