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It was about 6am, I knew y/n wouldn't be up at this time. I waited for Jessica outside and I saw a black SUV pull up at the gate. a brown haired girl came out and smiled as she saw me.

She quickly ran over to me and gave me a hug "hey, Miles" she smiled
"hey" I smiled. "So who's this girl?" She asked. "Well she's babysitting Flora while Kate's away and she's my age, but she's being stubborn. I kissed her like 4 times but she keeps pushing away when I know she wants it." I explained.

"Ok, so do I just pose as your girlfriend?" Jessica asks. "Yeah, ok come in" I say who is that? "Someone to make y/n jealous" I mumble. I opened the door for Jessica to walk in and we sat on the couch.

"She usually wakes up at 7 so when she comes down just kiss me or whatever" I say "ok" she says. "you're okay with this right?" "yeah of course, don't worry" she smiled.

(Mini Time Skip)

It was about 7am and I could hear y/n moving upstairs and talking to Flora. I heard her footsteps coming downstairs, so Jessica and I positioned our selves and started making out.


I was walking down the stairs and I saw Miles making out with a brown haired girl on the couch. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at them. Who is that? Why is Miles kissing her after he  kissed me yesterday.

I swear I saw Miles look at me while he was making out with the girl. I scoffed and grabbed a bowl and lightly slammed it against the counter making Miles and the girl pull apart.

"Oh, sorry.Miles I didn't know that you had company over..." I say. "Yeah. This is Jessica, my girlfriend and Jessica this is Flora's babysitter, y/n." Miles says.

I don't know why but I felt angry. why was I so bothered? Ugh I know what Miles is doing, he's trying to make me jealous with some girl. I'm not gonna let him win this game.

"girlfriend?" I questioned "yeah. And you kind of interrupted us." Jessica says. Her and Miles turned away and continued to makeout.

I scrunched my face up in disgust and rolled my eyes and continued to make breakfast.

(Mini Time Skip)

I spent most of the day in my room or with Flora playing dolls, Miles and his 'girlfriend' were here all day. I don't understand, I haven't even said anything on what Miles was doing and yet he still continues to try to make me jealous.

"Y/n can we go to the pool again?" Flora asks. "Sure" I say "Can Miles come?" She asks. No. "Yeah, sure go get him" I say.


Jessica and I were watching a movie together, I saw Flora walk up to us with a smile. "Hi, Miles do you want to go swimming with me and y/n.?" Flora asks "sure, can Jessica come?" I ask "sure!"

Just then y/n came downstairs, I made eye contact with her and felt butterflies form. "I don't have a bathing suit though." Jessica says "you can borrow one of y/n's. Right y/n?" I ask.

"Um- sure" y/n said. "Thanks" Jessica says. I smirked at y/n hesitant response, this will work.


I awkwardly brought Jessica to my room and took out a bathing suit. "Do you have anything revealing? I kind of want to impress Miles" she said. "I don't really have anything like that."

"It's fine" she sighs. I roll my eyes and gave her the bathing suit.

(Mini Time Skip)

I walked down to the pool and Miles, Jessica and Flora were already in the pool. I didn't feel like going in so I layed down on the chair.

"Y/n are you going to come in?" Flora asks "I don't really feel like it right now." I say. I layed down and relaxed, or tried to.

I heard giggling but not Flora's giggling. I looked and saw Miles and Jessica making out for the 1000 time today. It was really pissing me off that Miles was trying to make me jealous, that's so immature.

I got up and went into to the pool and splashed the two. "Could you not do that, there's other people here!" I say. "No, you're just jealous because it's not you." Miles says.

"Yeah, I'm so jealous that I'm not making out with you" I sarcastically say. Miles had a huge smirk on his face. "You know what? Jessica. You wanna know something your 'boyfriend' did? He kissed yesterday knowing that he's dating you." I say. Two can play at this game.

"And I liked it. I wanted it. But now you're here" I say. Miles' mouth slightly dropped I looked over at him and smirked. "What?" Miles says.

"Yeah, I was just kidding, but you have a girlfriend so what's the point." I say. "Wait. Miles I thought you said she didn't like you" Jessica said.

"I knew it." I say, I looked at Miles in disgust and got up and left the pool. I walked up to my room and stayed in there.

"Y/n?" I heard. "Miles, stop. I know about your stupid plan!" I say. I heard the lock click and Miles opened the door. "Let me explain." He said. He closed the door and sat next to me.

"No. You know how immature that is? Trying to make me jealous with some girl? I'm not risking my job to be with you. as much as I want to I can't." I say. "Why not? We can do it secretly. No one's going to know, Flora's not going to see anything because we'll be careful." Miles says.

"Because Miles it's complicated. I'm only here temporarily, by the time I'm gone you'll forget about me." I frown. "Y/n, no I won't forget about you, I'll never forget about you. That's why I want to be with you. I want to protect you and make you happy. You seem really special." Miles says.

I look in Miles' eyes and it seemed like he really meant it. "I don't know miles, I feel like you're just doing this because of him, whoever 'he' is." I said. "No, no, I'm doing this because I want to"

I sighe, "fine." "great", he smiled. I blushed"Y/n can I kiss you again? with consent" he smiled "Yeah" I chuckle. he placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss.

I smiled and ran my hand through his curls. We pulled away and stared at eachother. I leaned in for another kiss.

Miles deepened the kiss and put his hand on my thighs. Miles lightly pushed me on the bed and started to kiss down my neck and chest.

He lightly sucked on my neck leaving light purple marks while I quietly moaned. Miles brought his lips back to mine and slipped his tongue in. The strap on my bathing fell down and Miles brought it down more.

He untied the back of my bathing suit and slowly took it off. I felt his erection rub against my clit. he admired my breasts for a moment before making out with me again. he moved against me as he massaged both of my boobs.

I fell deeper into the kiss, tugging at his messy curls. I quickly realized what was happening and pushed him off. "im  so sorry y/n-" "no dont worry, im uh gonna go back downstairs" I put on my bathing suit back on and quickly ran downstairs.

(✓) 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 Where stories live. Discover now