Chapter 7

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Melo and Ivory arrived home. They looked at each other as to get prepared to tell them the news. They walked into the house; their kids ran up to them, with smiles and open arms, embrace their parents with love. Melo thanked the babysitter and then the babysitter left the house and that's when Ivory stood by the wall while Melo sat in a chair. Melo sits both daughters on his lap and says "hey my princesses, daddy and mommy got something to tell you. Mommy and daddy are splitting up; we're not going to be in the same house together as a family." The older child then said in a sad tone "why daddy?" Melo looked at Ivory, showing the expression that it's hard talking about it to the kids. Melo then responded saying "well baby, when you get older, you'll understand that people break up when there isn't love there anymore." "You don't love us anymore?" "Baby I love you and your sister more than anything in this world. I love your mother too, I'm just not in love with her anymore." "Are you leaving us?" "Umm, I won't be here in the home anymore but I will get you on days that me and your mother schedule so I'm still going to be around, just not in here." The older sibling hugs Melo with tears running down her face and she says to him "don't go."
      A week has passed since Melo moved out of the house that he and Ivory once shared. Melo would get the kids every weekend while Ivory have them Monday - Thursday. Ivory and Melo continued to work together until they figure out what moves to make about business. Communication improved between them at work, which would continue to shock people. They would only speak about business and the kids but nothing else since they weren't under the same roof anymore. The weekend had came for Melo to get the girls, so he drives to pick them up. He haves them, he pulls off with both of them in the backseat; he receives a phone call from Robin. Melo hesitates to answer because he wants to enjoy the moment with his daughters and he knows what Robin wants but he ends up answering anyway, Melo says "yes beloved?" "Hey everything alright?" "Yeah everything is cool, what's up with you?" "Nothing much, I miss you. Can I see you this weekend? I got something to show you and I know you'll like it." Melo looks at his kids through the rear view mirror and remembered what Ivory said and responded "I don't know about that." "Don't know about what?" "I got my kids with me this weekend and Ivory don't want you to be around them." "That's understandable, but I'm their aunt so I know they miss me." "No they don't. Ivory made sure of that; look we can link up a different time, this the agreement me and Ivory have made far as the kids." "Okay babe. Do you think I could ever see the kids again?" "That's up to Ivory. If you have that conversation with her then you'll get your answer." "I'll talk to her soon, she deserves to know why I betrayed her because she didn't deserve this." Melo and Robin talked until he arrived to the apartment that he's staying in. They both hung up and that's when everyone got out the car and went inside the apartment. When they walked in, the kids looked around, seeing how it feels smaller then what they're used to and feeling a little disappointed. Melo said to the girls "well, what you guys think?" The older sister said "daddy, why it seem so smaller in here than home?" "Well baby, that's because daddy is by himself now so I had to get something just for one person; and something affordable. What do you guys want to eat tonight?" "I'm thinking Chinese." Says the older sister. Melo looked at the younger sister to see if she agrees, she nods her head yes while she plays with her dolls.
     Sunday arrives, it's the last day Melo have with the kids. Melo wanted to do something with the kids that day so he decided he was going to take them to the carnival. The girls were running around the apartment when the youngest one had tripped and scrapped her knee on the carpet. She begins to cry and Melo runs over to her aid, he picks her up and sat her down on his lap, he rubs the bruise and kiss it and wipes her tears away. He then rubs some peroxide on it on her knee and dries it with a paper towel and then asks her "is it better now?" The child stops crying and that's when Melo gets up while holding her in his arms and that's when he takes his girls to the bathroom to them a bath so they can get ready to leave. Once Melo and the kids got ready, they got into the car and headed over to the carnival. Melo gets the girls out of the car and they began to walk throughout the carnival, analyzing the games and animals and entertainment that's there. While Melo and the kids look at the people getting on one of the carnival rides when Robin pops up next to Melo. Melo was surprised to see her. Robin said hi to the kids and the kids looked at her but ignored him, Melo asked Robin "hey what you doing here?" Robin smiled and said "don't worry, I didn't stalk you or anything. I'm here with my cousin and his kids." She points to the direction of her cousin and then shouts his name to confirm what she said; the cousin waved and that's when the focus was back on Robin and Melo. Robin leaned to give Melo a kiss but he refused to give the same energy only because he's not ready to reveal that they are in a relationship to the kids yet. Robin backed up and said "they don't know?" "No they don't." "Well when are you going to them?" "I'll tell them when I'm ready. The timing ain't perfect right now and they still have to get used to not having their parents in the same household together. Can you understand that?" "Yes. I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel pressured. I should go." "I'll call you later." Robin touches Melo's arm, with a saddened smile, she walks away and Melo enjoys the rest of the time there with his daughters.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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